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Everything posted by bbedward

  1. Yea, I will be very disappointed if they start DTR next week after this performance. I’m not going to say run the ball or blah blah blah, even though Pierre strong gashed the fuck out of the rams for a drive and then we never saw him again. But for the love of god, do we really need to chuck it 30 yards every other play. Seemed like they played every down like 3rd and long today
  2. Yes big mistake, but he made other encouraging plays that kept us in it until then. Our other scrubs have 1 TD each, in 2-3x as much playing time. Flacco got 2
  3. The game was over by then. Flacco did well but I’m wondering if we really needed to take 40 yard shots every other play. It looked like me playing madden out there today
  4. Well…there it is browns fans. we kept saying all we need is average QB play and we’ll win every game. well we got it and then some, where did that leave us.
  5. Flacco needs to start next week. One terrible decision in an otherwise great game. The defense needs some questions answered here, it was some historically bad safety play and we saw the same terrible play with McLeod so that’s not the issue. Hopefully copper and ward can come back
  6. Strong got some solid runs, we drove down methodically. then we get the ball down 1 with 7 minutes and chuck it 50 yards to the middle of the field on first down. Why
  7. Stefanski is committed to full air raid with Flacco. I feel like we throw more 20 yard passes per drive than we have in the entire Pittsburgh game
  8. Looking good if we can get the run going and stop dropping balls. Didn’t realize how bad the rams kicker was, that helps
  9. Flacco is hitting them in the numbers, any pro receiver should catch a ball in the numbers.
  10. Never thought I’d see the day where the 2023 browns have a better passing game than a running game
  11. Yea now that we have a QB who can throw over 20 yards we can probably mix in some runs on 1st and 2nd down
  12. It took flacco less than 2 minutes to get the same amount of touchdowns as Pj walker in 3+ games and DTR in 2 games
  13. Wait what, the buccaneers chose to not be on TV because they wanted to sell more tickets. If I was in Tampa I’d go to the beach before I bought tickets to watch a shitty football team. Want to sell tickets then don’t have a shit team
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