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Everything posted by MDDawg

  1. So much for running the table. Can't pick the Browns against anyone for the remainder of the season.
  2. Get the ball in the red zone and we can't even score a TD? Why does he keep throwing to Harris in the endzone? Seals Jones is a much better receiver.
  3. Robinson's starting today Robinson's starting today, lol!
  4. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/sports-columns/greg-bedard/kitchens-mayfield-leading-browns-down-the-same-old-road-1883131/ Hot take or some truth in it? Personally I don't think Kitchens is coaching the mistakes out of Mayfield both on and off the field.
  5. OBJ is a world class receiver, Kitchens isn’t using him effectively. The offense lacks identity, they should design it around Chubb then use play action which will get OBJ the ball. Right now the offense is just a lot of experimentation (with some good play design occasionally), the problem is if they don’t start winning Freddie won’t have the opportunity to perfect it.
  6. Baker needs to let his play on the field speak for him rather than trying to win the press conference, which is all the Kitchens led Browns have done since the offseason. Keeping composure under stress is the hallmark of a good QB/coach and neither Freddie or Baker are demonstrating that this season. I know a lot of people hate Grossi but he's been correct more often than not on the post '99 Browns. He wasn't hot on Mayfield being drafted but owned up to it after Mayfield balled out. He was criticized for noting Beckham's absence from OTA and minicamp but we can all see the lack of chemistry between the two now. QB-receiver timing starts early in the offseason program. The worrying thing is that it looks like Mayfield isn't being coached well this season, on the field he's relapsed into some bad habits especially with his footwork, bailing the pocket and rolling to the right at the slightest hint of pressure. Compare how Deshaun Watson answered a reporter's dumb question to Mayfield and you see the difference in leadership.
  7. Avery was simply a victim of Wilke's scheme. Rather than make him inactive for most of the games, they traded him. He was actually a better fit for Gregg Williams scheme as are cornerbacks Ward and Greedy.
  8. Ironic that one of our best Oline men, Bitonio was manhandled by the Patriots D line and caused the 1st fumble and contributed to Baker's first interception. As I predicted before the game, the better coach won outright even Chubb's second fumble was a reflection of good coaching, the Patriots cornerback didn't give up on the play and tomahawked the ball out. The problem going forward is that we keep handing teams the game, which is why I doubt we'll win the majority of games in this easier part of the schedule.
  9. Spoke to soon. I'll now find something else to spend the rest of the afternoon on.
  10. Freddie needs to tell them to keep calm, the game isn't out of reach yet. Both fumbles were a result of defensive pressure, they shouldn't abandon the run game.
  11. It's a winnable game contingent on Freddie fielding a DISCIPLINED team on Sunday. However I have a feeling it will be a close game that the refs will hand to the Patriots..
  12. Tony Grossi stated it succinctly: We lost Freddie the OC when we made him the HC.
  13. He can't do that consistently which is why we beat them. However our run defense has been abysmal since then so unless we improve we'll have difficulty sweeping them.
  14. That Tennessee loss is going to bite us in the a** unless we sweep the ratbirds. I watched the game, they're a well coached team which is why they won today and we lost last week. Unless we suddenly switch to a well disciplined team (which doesn't happen in a bye week) and gain some unexpected victories ( like at NE) we may end up battling for a wild card.
  15. Our redzone productivity has dropped in his absence.
  16. In all fairness, Greedy and Ward were out and Russell Wilson feasted on TJ Carrie and Mitchell. You also need good corners for an effective pass rush, another reason why Freddie should've called a ball control offense.
  17. The weird thing is Baker never made these type of awful throws last season. Only with the Browns can a QB regress so quickly and the irony is that Freddie was hired so Baker could continue to develop under the same OC, instead he's worse. Now we're in a worst case scenario: lumped with an inexperienced coach and a QB who's regressing.
  18. This is why I call BS on Freddie's explanation of his decision. We were playing against the top rated QB in the league who at the minimum would've played keepaway.
  19. Don't believe that rumor but if Freddie coaches a losing season or misses the playoffs, I think they'll cut their losses. Freddie's aggressive playcalling is advertising for his next job if things don't work out here.
  20. The pass was late and allowed the defenders to close in on him. He threw another late pass in that game to Beckham who has also sandwiched but fortunately wasn't injured.
  21. Not really a revision for me as my preseason prediction was 10-6 . They're currently a game behind my expectations by losing the Tennessee game.
  22. Fells is an excellent blocking TE with better hands than Demetrius Harris whom he replaced. With our O line woes he definitely would've helped. Seals is Njoku's back up, a pass catching TE.
  23. The Detroit GB refereeing is a testament to this thread's title. That was criminal yesterday and handed GB the game.
  24. Agree, we forget that the 1-31 Hue Era was marked by more close games than blowouts, especially in the first half of the seasons.
  25. I've watched every single QB since '99. Baker last year was the best one since then but this year he's becoming similar to many of them which I think is due to poor QB coaching this year. Statistically in the first 6 games he's indistinguishable from some of the worst we've had but I think better coaching will improve that.
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