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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. There's no excuse to not win this weekend, period. We're better overall at every position group and as noted they're starting an inexperienced back-up. I'm hoping we see that corner turned with Kitchens. It's fair to say despite his short comings that 4 of our 5 losses are against top 10 teams in the NFL (ESPN rankings are 1,2, 6, and 10). We have a lot of winnable games ahead.
  2. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27950707/buccaneers-coach-bruce-arians-referees-held-accountable Arians saying exactly what I've been trying to say all year. I actually turned this game off and watched regular tv until the Browns after this miss. I can't believe how bad it is.
  3. honestly, I had the Browns at 3-4 sitting here today. We played arguably the top 2 NFC teams (and a really good one as well), the best AFC team by far, and really one BAD team in the Jets which we won comfortably. We simply weren't the better team overall in 4 games we've played out of 7. Only game that grinds my gears is week one. It really is unfortunate we couldn't have had at least 1 more winnable game before today. Winning cures so much and it just frankly blows the schedule gods didn't shine nicely on us at all. We have the better team (IMO) in 5 of the next 6 games. Even going 4-2 in that stretch keeps us in the hunt, but likely in the same position we were last year.
  4. Look, reason I was hardly mad was that the Browns, good coaching or not, were going to have to get some flukes to win yesterday. We were going to need the refs to not get flag happy, which they did. BB is now 29-0 against QB's 24 years old or younger. As much as I disdain the Patriots, watching them operate is almost hypnotic. All things considered, I thought Baker looked pretty good out there and you see the talent on the squad just begging to get used. Chubb had a truly fluke fumble, and one bad one for sure but looks incredible out there. Unfortunately I just think our coaching is going to hold the potential way down.
  5. In case you weren't watching the game, let me be sure to remind you of what Freddie decided to do. 4th and 11 in a two score game, Freddie first decides to punt the ball (stupid). Realizes he made stupid mistake. Instead of using timeout, intentionally takes a delay of game penalty to make the 4th down play 4th and 16 that was game over if you don't get it. Of course they don't (because stupid) and we have the result we saw. This isn't "rookie learning curve". That's incompetence of the highest order. Rex Ryan was crying he was laughing so hard at how bad that decision was. As has been posted, I was intrigued by giving Freddie a shot and maybe having our lightning in a bottle. But peeps, this isn't "rookie coaching mistakes". The game is simply too fast for him right now, and it's resulting in incompetence, discipline penalties, and results where we are. I never really think there's a reason to fire someone 1/2 way, but I just hope unless we see some unbelievable shift we cut bait. It's clear as day Freddie just doesn't have the chops to do this.
  6. 3rd, but the difference in average age from 3rd to 12th is literally .1 years of age. That stat is frankly extremely stupid to use, and I’m not trying to be a dick to you or anything. we have several vets on the line (both sides). OBJ and juice are seasoned vets. I just don’t buy that excuse man.
  7. How can anyone defend Freddie? This isn’t a super young team. There are Veterans across the board outside of quarterback. both challenges were objectively stupid. Discipline penalties are coaching. Taking a 5 yard penalty on 4th down is stupid (really stupid). A veteran or different coach has at least one, if not two more wins.
  8. So if that report is true, Freddie intentionally took a penalty on 4th and 11 because his personnel wasn’t right to go for it on 4th and 16. if that truly is the case, fire the man tomorrow. A madden video game coach would get canned for that.
  9. I’m so god damn mother ducking tired of these fucking refs calling every tickey tack cal against certain teams. to call OPI on that is just looking for it against the browns.
  10. That sure looks like a broken collarbone for Landry. its sad to see the talent of this time shine only to have coaching and discipline stop them from the full potential.
  11. Wilks scheme foiled again. Of course arm bar hold on Garrett not called. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
  12. Honestly it’s a miracle we’re only down 10. Any given Sunday?
  13. Another example of just looking for it against certain teams.
  14. I’m losing faith in Wilks more each week. How are you sending a pressure look on 4th down and have your secondary 10 yards off? freddie making another objectively bad decision. Name a more iconic duo.
  15. Guys I’m so tired of how this game is refereed. It makes me not want to watch.
  16. Exactly, especially in the pouring down rain.
  17. On a day like today you have to accept a perfect throw with good coverage. Bail coverage is an awful scheme design, no way you change my mind.
  18. this is after the bye folks. Freddie has zero business leading an NFL team. A shame we messed it up but hopefully it’s understood this is a failed experiment with him as HC
  19. If Wilks plays bail coverage on 3rd down for another easy 1st down one more time I’m driving to Cleveland tomorrow.
  20. As I've noted now a bunch, the problem is that NFL referees simply have no incentive to do better. I also don't believe there's a big coverup, but I don't see how someone can honestly logically look at how games are reffed and not go "hmm" to why certain teams are so closely watched compared to others. It's just a statement of fact really. However, these mofos are protected by Goddell and their Union so they don't have to do better. Honestly, it's quickly made me so much less interested in watching games outside the Browns for how lousy calls are and how they impact the game.
  21. I'll tell ya this much-as a gamblin man, the rule of thumb is high double digit favorites were always the "easy bet" to give the points on the underdog. I'd be curious the percentage of double digit favorites covering, it's gotta be 75% or more. The good vs the bad teams in the NFL is the most polar I've witnessed in a good while.
  22. It shouldn't be understated a big reason the Ravens are in this position is because Harbaugh is a top 3-5 coach in the league. It must make his brother furious haha.
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