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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. The browns should be up even with that TD by 3 scores. Three drives at essentially the 50 or better and no points. the coaching just makes me sick man.
  2. I’m so unbelievably tired of this team not having discipline. I was yelling at the tv for that clown not to be the one who downed it. That’s coaching, plain and simple.
  3. A good team would be up at least 3 tds right now. This game could have easily been over by half time.
  4. I just don’t get it with Freddie. You just pounded the rock and you get cute with a limp dick throw for no reason on 2nd and short. keep it simple stupid.
  5. Higgins was and still is the better option by leaps and bounds. You win some, you lose some with dudes like this. 1st round talent completely wasted. I'm just glad we're not playing the Gordon game with him, don't let the door hit you.
  6. Maybe, but honestly man I don't want to hear that either really. This squad has been crummy for 20+ years, and sellers have taken a bath on tickets for that period of time. I really, really don't blame people for selling tickets when they actually make money. Further, how the hell am I supposed to know who I'm selling to the way tickets are sold nowadays (figuratively, don't own any)? Keep winning games and more Browns fans are going to come. I went to a Panthers vs. Bills game a while back and that was the year (I think) they went to the Super Bowl. That stadium was STILL 30% Bills fans-they just travel well.
  7. Ok Boomer (just messing with ya). Definitely agree with you on the standing thing though, to a point. If it's the start of the 2nd quarter and we rush for two yards, your ass doesn't need to stand up and clap. IDK why people feel the need to do this. I mean, bottom line for me is Baker is turning into a "death by 1000 cuts" situation. This doesn't bother me fundamentally, but you aren't going to convince me 95% of fans know to be quiet. I've been to games all over the place and fans do this. The bills mafia always travels well (so do the steelers) so of course it's not going to be a pin drop silence. Miami game will be that way though. I just don't get why my man has to say it in the first place.
  8. This game is truly the "season changer". Knowing what's ahead on the schedule (especially dolphins right after this one), the season would be far from over if they could pull this one out. The win would also put us firmly in the wild card conversation with a perhaps way outside view of the division. A loss, at least for me, will put me firmly in the "next year" mindset.
  9. I'm too lazy to do the relatively simple math, but it's hard to argue Baker has at least (statistically) looked stronger the past 3 weeks. Something like 66% completion rate, 5 TD/1 INT ratio. Seems to be stronger in his reads and fitting into what the game plan should be-run the ball down their throat and supplement with quick out routes (which Baker feasted on with the Bills).
  10. Freddie after winning this game: https://youtu.be/lF7M0FISH5Y
  11. 2nd and 4 with the lead and the big dog eating. A low percentage throw and a sack on two plays is literally all you need to say on how bad he’s coaching.
  12. I can’t hear the game, how can it be legal to fumble forward like that?
  13. Coaching, plain and simple. I'm 1000% sure we'd be around .500 if we had a coach who knew what he was doing. As I noted in the other thread, Freddie had the classic "deer in the headlight" look after the failed challenge on the Baker sneak. You could see the face of a man who knew this was above his pay grade. I think if Freddie could have worked with a less talented roster he may have "grown" with the team, but this is built to win and should be. I could write a novel but the decisions Kitchens is making from offensive play design at critical times to using timeouts wrong is just, well awful. There's no reason to change things up until after the season, but he's a man completely out of his element. I've said it before, but you can see the talent of this squad trying to poke its head through. I don't have prime examples, but you just view it from the screen. Then on a critical 3rd and 1 late in the game Freddie calls an off tackle run that hasn't worked all game. We have momentum and then Freddie can't call the play in time, we use a timeout. The head of the snake is cut off for this team and it's painfully obvious.
  14. Assuming he's healthy, it means there's no excuse not to run the ball 65% of the time on offense. If dude comes back to form there isn't a better 1/2 combo in the league. As I believe Tia said in another thread, stats don't lie. The elite teams in the league are running significantly more than passing.
  15. Just want to say thanks everyone! Don't worry, I'll continue the tradition of guilting my daughter into being a browns fan 😀.
  16. I really do wonder what this team would be if we just kept the ship sailing with Gregg as HC and freddie as OC. I don't think we'd be undefeated, but I'm 100% sure there'd be at least 2 more wins under the belt. I get the regression with Baker, but I actually think he's looked better the last two games. If I were to put a % on it right now, this situation is 80% on Freddie. Yesterday he finally got that Pat Shurmer deer in the headlights look after the failed challenge (which was bullshit, but still). You saw a guy who truly realized he had no business being in charge. I could write a novel on the little things, but discipline is right at the top. Knowing OBJ and Landry were going to get nailed for the shoes is a lack of leadership to tell them not to, for example. I still believe in Dorsey big time. You can see the talent of these dudes seething to be unleashed, but the play design and coaching is just simply inept. Anyway fellas, I'll be off line a good bit the next few weeks and big time for next several months. I'm 6 weeks away from first time dad status and it's time to get everything ready. I'm actually glad I have a good reason not to watch this clown car for a little bit!
  17. I can’t express in words how embarrassing of a loss this is. I’m so glad i have my baby shower next weekend to not waste time on this nonsense next week. freddie was the bad choice, Baker is scared to throw the ball, and Wilks scheme is getting exposed more each week. Same sad story.
  18. Having to use a timeout, running an off tackle on 3rd and inches, and that 4th down play is coaching. this team would have a winning record if we had a coach who understood how to call a game. What a shame of a wasted season this is
  19. You’re a fucking moron if you can’t see baker got a first down on that. To just let the referees completely change the momentum of the game on a whiffed call is a losers mentality.
  20. This sport is rigged. You can’t change my god damn mind on that. Honestly I wouldn’t be against the team refusing to play citing unsafe conditions.
  21. The charade is quickly growing tiring. He's acting like the old dude at the gym playing pickup who yells way too loudly when he doesn't get the ball despite missing every shot. Your house is messy Mr. Mayfield, people are gonna ask why it's dirty.
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