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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. There's incredible depth at the WR position. Tee Higgins for example in a weaker draft class could easily be a top 15 pick, and will likely slip to the 2nd round. I have no qualms trying to add some depth there, this draft is dripping with talent that will slide.
  2. Fair take, I hear ya. I'm 110% in on Andrew Thomas personally. If Williams was even 3 years younger, I'd definitely be on your side. I'd also be a little more on your side if our line wasn't already pretty strong. Pro-bowl C, G, RT and an anchor LT first round pick? Sign me up. I think where we disagree a bit is I think all those dudes you mentioned would be day one ready, especially Thomas.
  3. There's three Day 1 starter caliber LT's available. I'd be nothing short of shocked if one of those dudes isn't there to scoop up at #10. Not sure why anyone would instead want a dude who will be 32 at start of season tackle who has demanded big money as the alternative.
  4. Getting to the playoffs is obvious, but this year it's gotta be that Baker takes the leap to show he's the dude. I don't wanna go through 3 more years of the Jameis Winston, will he won't he saga just to be on the market in year six. There's literally no excuse (assuming we draft a top LT) for Baker to struggle. That line will be stout (3 pro bowlers), and the offensive weapons just leap off the page. #6 just needs to figure it out between the ears and get the ball to 'em.
  5. Joe, of course not surprisingly, has been dead on his assessment of OL talent over the last few years. He's such a great commentator but I hope the Browns can convince the dude to take some sort of well paid scouting role, IDK. I'm never the dude to beat the drum of former greats being coaches/personnel (stop trying to make Kosar happen, it's not going to happen), but Joe's intelligence just leaps out.
  6. If for some crazy reason Simmons is still there at #10, that's just as big a need IMO. . Highly doubt that'll be an option though, and thus makes LT the very obvious choice. Yeah, sometimes you gotta look at the bigger picture in terms of prospects. There's a reason defensive linemen have been pouring out of the flood gates from Ohio State-they all want to be coached by Larry Johnson. Whatever that dude does, he does it damn well. Same thing with Sam Pittman as the (former) OL coach at Georgia. Whenever that dude gets his hand on a NFL prospect on the O-Line, they end up solid to great players. No reason to overthink on that one, if Thomas is there take him. Only way it gets complicated is if Simmons is there too.
  7. just a shame there the lovely USA is behind the 8 ball on testing. About a week ago I didn't have a fever but all the other symptoms. Called my doctor who asked me 1) had I traveled internationally, 2)did I know anyone infected. Answer to both was no, so they said simply they don't test people without yes to those questions. Down where I live (south florida) they set up a mobile testing area. Great right? until it came out they have capability to test approximately 60 people a day, got overwhelmed and closed two days later. As of this morning my situation is still what qualifies people for a test. People are straight up lying to get tested. Fortunately my work was very good about switching to remote work, and I had ability even with a baby to self-isolate. Think of the millions of people who can't do that though. Tough to see people like Kevin Durant get tested when he had zero symptoms too. I get it, rich people gonna rich people but still.
  8. I just don't see how you're acting like $3 million is chump change. If you "rule of 7" that amount of money, by the time Joe hits his early 50's he's going to have an extra $40 something million in the bank. Who the hell knows if Joe is the type to smartly invest money, but that's the long-term picture you gotta consider. It's also a different mentality when you're "career" is over by the time you're mid 30's at the latest.
  9. 140% match on 401k? Let my ass sit on the end of the bench for two years, I'll be the best damn water boy the NBA has ever seen! 😀 MLB makes sense to me actually cause it's so rigorous to get to the big league compared to other sports. Good write-up, definitely agree. As noted, there's a reason guys hold out for "small" difference of a couple million dollars in fully guaranteed money. You do certainly have dudes like TB12 who took a pay cut to get players around him. Of course, not every player in the NFL ALSO has a super model wife who routinely earns more money than them.
  10. Yeah, given the recent signings I wouldn't put that as "1st round need" over LB but I'd be fine looking at 2nd round if it makes sense.
  11. It does, but if I could wipe my ass with $100 bills it may making losing a bit easier. I mean you directly noted Joe's situation. Sure, I don't disagree but it's not like a situation we would face where a new job may mean $10k bonus. For an NFL player, $3 million dollars is setting up your children for life. Joe could go down during OTA's and never play again, it's the nature of the business. There's a reasons dudes hold out for that type of monetary difference in negotiations. I just pretty strongly believe a lot of dudes see playing the game just as a job, and want to get the biggest bag they can. No shame there.
  12. I am worried about safety depth, admittedly. Redwine looked awful last year and Randall was on and off the field with injury. Our biggest need clearly is LB help, but safety has to be high on the list now too.
  13. I've said it before, but honestly I just wonder how many guys truly have the Tom Brady "win at all costs" mentality. I truly believe to many dudes in the NFL it's not much different than how we view our jobs. I'd be willing to bet Jags overpaid for Joe compared to other teams by a little bit anyway. If we're talking the difference of say $3 million fully guaranteed, that's life changing.
  14. I heard a little about the guy this morning that I honestly had no idea about until now. Turns out he's a Cornell grad with a major of industrial labor relations.Everyone says this dude's intelligence just blows you out of the water when you talk to the guy. Pretty cool all around.
  15. Man, I'm so weary of people in our society spouting total bullshit and when rightly called out only doubling down on their stupidity. Way, way, too much of that in the world today.
  16. I’m glad you could use your thesaurus before attempting to use erudite. Big boy there. aint changing the subject my man, cause your two sentence comment literally didn’t say any of that. You said directly you didn’t want a Pete Carroll type and patently tried to suggest Pete was only lucky based on players on the team and not his coaching ability. Of course, I can explain to my newborn daughter ( and will) that resorting to calling people dumb in a conversation unadulterated is an obvious sign the person in fact has no argument. It shows simply the person is too uneducated and has to resort to child like tactics. You chose to do that which puts an obvious understanding of your knowledge of the matter and critical thinking. But hey, keep googling big boy words to sound educated. I’ll be excited to see them.
  17. Oh come the fuck on man. You can’t try to word smith out of saying something. Saying you don’t want a Pete Carroll type is saying you don’t want Pete Carroll. Don’t be obtuse.
  18. So you’re genuinely saying you wouldn’t want a coach with .630 winning percentage and two Super Bowls in a decade as your coach? I swear to God it’s like you people don’t watch the Browns on the field. Pete would have a statue if he had that same tenure in Cleveland.
  19. Except surely you understand how different that is. A bad target employee doesn’t honor your coupon. A bad cop gives you a bogus felony or, ya know, murders you. That’s beyond common sense.
  20. Nail on the head. by the way, now Barney fife from the video is declining to pursue charges. Amazing right? Almost like he is being protected from going through prosecution for the damming evidence he was harassing certain kids in that locker room. I respect police, hell im the son of a military family. I almost respect chain of command and authority to a fault. But you mofos need to consider cops aren’t some Gods walking among us anymore either. The vast majority are great people keeping us safe. But a small, non insignificant amount are like the rent a cop in the video who are nothing but bullies with a badge with vendettas against certain groups of people. Frankly, I’m damn tired of it. We can do better.
  21. Except as I said 100 times it patently wasn’t a rule. Cops said they were fine to drink and smoke cigars and this cop, in particular, was trying to be a tough guy. It’s also pretty clear the Joe burrow looking guys didn't get hassled. But who gives a shit about any of that right cause he had a badge? He wasn’t enforcing a fucking rule. I live literally two miles from mar a lago and have to visit that island all the time for stuff. I’m far, far from rich but that island is. The amount of times I’ve seen people doing nothing but be not white is sickening . So yeah, it boils my blood when a tough guy cop is being a dick to dark skinned kids who are trying to legally have a good time after, ya know, winning a damn championship. does it make OBJ right? No. But given the above I couldn’t give less of a shit that a dude like that got his feeling hurt. There’s a good ass reason a judge laughed off a serious charge.
  22. Except this isn’t the same at all. The better example would be if obj was at a restaurant with his kids and a rent a cop was harassing just his and other dark skinned patrons asking if they were sure they had enough money to pay for the meal. It wasn’t right, but if I saw a bunch of my dudes getting harassed by paul blart over something they were totally within their right to do? Can’t say I wouldn’t be pissed and have words either. Except as a milk toast white dude I doubt Barney Fife from the video would have been bothering me.
  23. Being a tough guy POS hassling certain skin toned as a wanna be cop. Read what I’ve written and some speculations- just another pathetic man who feels powerful with a badge
  24. With speed like that though it’d be easy for defenders to ketchup to them. ..I’ll show myself out.
  25. Now some players are coming out saying this rent a cop was walking to players ( I’ll let you guess skin tone) saying they had booze in their Gatorade bottles. He was reported to be hassling the shit out of kids despite being told no one was going to do anything about it, and many kids are of course legal drinking age. Screw rent a cop wannabe loser who wanted to be a tough guy. OBJ still shouldn’t have done it but I can’t say I wouldn’t have acted similar if I saw that shit going down. This isn’t a browns thing, I’m so tired of these pieces of shit.
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