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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. We did nothing to address the glaring weakness of our back 7 and it’s showing IMMENSELY so far. Linebackers are completely confused.
  2. The lead block chipped the dude instead of just blocking assuming the 2nd would pick up. Bad decision, always block the man in front of you. theres the browns we know haha.
  3. Sad part is that was actually there. One raven blew up two blockers.
  4. At least we don’t have to hear the fans roar? Haha.
  5. His arm was clearly down but not worth challenging for 2-3 yards. watChing the replay, I’ll restate our backer core looked incredibly bad that drive. Not surprising though.
  6. Albeit early our linebacker core looked completely lost on that drive. Baltimore went left and we went right. Big oof
  7. Interesting coverage disguise but Campbell is a tough dude to miss. Bad start for #6.
  8. Njoku easily has the ability to be an Eric Ebron type-not every down material, but still a (when healthy) marked red zone threat. A Jumbo type personnel lineup, 1st and Goal with Chubb, OBJ, Landry/Bryant, Njoku, and Hooper? on paper, good luck with that.
  9. Just curious, was it noted anywhere how they are going to handle big time crowding events during the game, such as peeing or re-upping on booze at halftime? TBH, the process of getting people to the seats and crowd control through gates can be managed. This part in particular is the one where COVID is gonna spread.
  10. The thing I just don't get is why go through everything they did this last week (making schedules, discussing attendance policies, etc) just to know this was coming? Why not just do this last week?
  11. Imagine having your guy, the guy you've wanted your whole life, as the president of this country. Imagine his political party controlling a major legislative branch of our government, as well as the majority of the Supreme Court. Yet somehow, with your guy having about as much power as humanely possible thinking this to be true. It either makes you extremely dumb or admitting your idol can't stop his enemies despite wielding a much bigger sword. And then realize they have the same ability to vote-please vote. Anyway, will be super interesting how COVID rocks the NFL. I know they are likely learning less than nothing watching the MLB crumble around the pandemic, but I sure as shit hope they're at least thinking of plan B.
  12. Have to admit, I was very iffy on dumping a top 7-8 punter in Colquitt, but the Scottish Hammer exceeded expectations last year (so did Seibert, actually). Great to have to some young consistency at that positions coming into camp this year.
  13. Man I hate to be such a downer but with the Marlins news today how on Earth are they going to do this without massive outbreak? How are 90+ people going to be doing NFL activities with no bubble for the next several weeks and a situation like the Marlins are facing not be inevitable? The NBA bubble is going well, and the NFL (and MLB) had ample time to set it up. Very unfortunate they chose not to and instead hoped things would be better.
  14. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29475797/texans-jj-watt-says-players-want-play-many-questions-remain certainly interesting seeing training camps are supposed to be weeks away. Seems like the NFL is holding on to a wing and a prayer.
  15. You can take this at face value, cause I'm not trying to clickbait or say I have anything other that speculation. BUT, I do work at a college institution with a G5 football program. My colleague is very good friends with the AD and someone I trust. They indicated in speaking with the AD the likelihood of college football is "virtually zero" unless there's a miracle cure or someone comes up with a "bubble" plan (which seems impossible). The OSU's of the world I'm sure will hold out until the very end, but don't be surprised if conferences like the AAC and Mountain West come out in the coming days with no Fall sports. The Big 10 announcement very obviously included an out of "there's a good chance we ain't playing". NFL? Still not holding my breath. I don't see how fans in stands is remotely possible, which I suppose is okay. Don't get me wrong, I think hell or high water they'll be games week one. But what IMO will be inevitable is when the positive cases come soaring in and how they NFL has to ultimately react.
  16. Cause guys like Adrian Peterson, Dan Marino, Barry Sanders, Joe Thomas, Randy Moss, and Bruce Smith were just a bunch of scrubs cause they didn't get a ring right? Like, are you paid to say stupid stuff to be controversial? Refreshing a high first pick finally working out. Haven't seen it since Joe Haden (wow).
  17. ah yes, the old "take less money or you're getting cut" plan. Win for all sides, really.
  18. I always root for people to turn their life around, and it seems like maybe ol' John tackle football is starting to get it. The guy obviously thought his natural talent was going to be enough to not put in the work, a lesson many dudes realize just ain't the case. Hope he continues to speak out to potentially save others from the same fate.
  19. Hindsight is funny in that regard. The only thing I like to point out is that Hue was considered at the time a top 2-3 candidate for a HC gig across the NFL. In fact, most major organizations lauded the Browns for finally being able to snag an "in demand" coach. That said, he obviously overtly failed in the one thing he made his mark on in the league in being able to evaluate, and play, QB talent. I told anyone who'd listen what a God awful mistake Kizer was going to be, and then his "trust me" guy of Kessler as the back-up? That's on Hue BIG time. So honestly, he does deserve to have that record thrown in his face. Not even Don Shula would have won more than 7-8 games with those rosters, but the most important position was his to mold and he beyond fucked it up 2 years in a row.
  20. Clowney needs to get Terrelle Pryor on the phone. A lot of pretty valid rumors he got offered from a good few teams (Browns included) $10-12 million a year on 3 year deal with almost $20 mil guaranteed. Sounds familiar? Clowney is one bad year away from being a league wanderer who everyone remembers for a college play (albeit one of the most awesome college plays I've ever seen live).
  21. Eh, maybe it's cause he doesn't want to play for Cleveland, wouldn't be the first time. The more logical situation to me seems to be he thinks he's worth top 5 DE money and even the Browns aren't offering him that type deal, or at least that type of deal long-term. The reason I think that more than "fuck the Browns" is the man is still unsigned going into June, almost two months after free agency has started. There's plenty of contenders with cap room. Fine without him though, I really don't see that much of an upgrade over Vernon candidly.
  22. With social media and the like, if Mayfield wanted to be "last year Baker" he easily could be. It's obvious he got rocked last year and learned from it, at least from the media perspective so far. This is a big prove it year for #6 and he seems to know it.
  23. Yes, that’s literally why I said it. I’d be embarrassed if any Cleveland Brown was on a mission to kill someone. It’s sad to see you clearly feel differently.
  24. I use the streaming service for $100 as a higher education administrator. The service sucked the first two years, but was great last year. I've heard and read some rumors they are going to expand who can use that service, too.
  25. And one thing I want to make clear is that if James played for the Browns in his prime, I'd still feel the same way. Attitude like that is honestly the reason kids aren't playing the sport anymore. It's a sad joke.
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