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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Any team gets that "fan favorite" type dude who we want to see play but deep down it's known guys are just better suited to be out there. For the life of me though, I don't get why Higgins doesn't get more run and I hope what we saw yesterday continues. He's got great hands, good to above average blocking, and gets open when he needs to. How that is not as good as DPJ or Hodge when he comes back I just don't know.
  2. I mean sure, but fundamentally I would make the same case. I think they bailed us out cause they knew they messed up not granting forward progress and play dead. He was not moving for nearly 2 seconds from the time of being "on the ground" to the "fumble".
  3. I find it impossible to believe red wine could be worse. I just don’t get why this dude keeps getting reps.
  4. To not assume it’s forward progress and that’s a live play is absolutely terrible reffing. No reason it shouldn’t even be reviewed.
  5. It absolutely did, thanks for nothing man (kidding of course) Rest up Nick. I haven't enjoyed watching a guy play this position in a looong time. That "downhill with speed" game is just amazing to view and vision is elite. All you can hope is he doesn't get timid with another knee, but I don't get that vibe from him.
  6. One last thought, cause it's definitely fair to put some good things done Sunday based on the opponent. But you know, a huge part of the NFL is winning games you're supposed to win. The Browns have 6-7 those on the schedule (including the two already played). The Patriots train kept moving very specifically for this reason. I can't find it in a quick Google search, but it was something crazy like the Pats in prime Brady years were 80+% (it was 80 something) winners in games where they were touchdown or more favorites. Barring disaster or vast improvement, that's going to be us against both NY teams, the Bengals, and maybe the Eagles. This is something the Browns very much HAVEN'T done in these "don't totally suck" years. From there, assuming you can even get 3 wins from the "more competitive" schedule, you're talking about being right there.
  7. No doubt about it, that's one of those "won't go on the stat sheet" type plays that was vital. We would have been punting deep in our territory again without that throw, which led to the momentum to score as well. Quietly sitting at 8th in QBR, which could go up if Lamar has a bad night. More than anything, it's incredibly encouraging to have a coach playing to the strengths of players and the team. What an amazing difference it makes.
  8. With one of those throws being an absolutely critical 3rd and 12 dart to move the chains. Bottom line- people will see the yards thrown and scoff. But if our QB can complete roughly 70% of his passes with a 2td 0INT day sign my ass up. The 49ers were a much better defense but extremely similar offense in the super bowl last year.
  9. I feel ya man. It’s hard not to want a number one being Mahomes out there. But at some point you have to look at it and realize he’s had 4 HC in 3 years and may not be the next Tom Brady. However, if he plays like he did today we should be very encouraged. He played like a franchise QB today and made throws when it counted.
  10. That was a bad play. But he’s made strong throws today too. Statistically he’s on pace (early I admit) to be a top 10 QB. What exactly are you looking for? if he plays at a say Jimmy G. level, that didn’t end up so bad for them did it? Does anyone have nickers direct line? I have to call him and admit Garrett just doesn’t impact the game.
  11. What a monster. I’m not being a homer when I say he’s the best RB in the NFL right now.
  12. Baker has been above average today. You’re watching what a below average QB does on the other side against a bad defense. Mayfield isn’t playing like mahomes but barring something stupid he’s still going to be top 8 in QBR. He’s got a lot to learn but has also made strong throws. Chubb is a monster and Teller is playing like the best guard in the NFL.
  13. Who looked at this defense and said yep, these guys are locked in? I’m baffled at how inept these dudes are, truly baffled.
  14. I’m curious of what if any free agent LB talent is out there. If I was ANY coordinator against the browns I’d be running the madden shallow cross to death. Our LB core simply can’t stop it.
  15. Gotta abandon running up the middle today. Washington is patently taking that away.
  16. For sure. Time to get more creative in the run game, that’s for sure. I feel like a bootleg pass is going to be big time there.
  17. They are completely stacking the box. 9 guys in the box on first down. I don’t care how good your run game is Baker is going to be the one winning this game if they continue that scheme.
  18. I’ve said it a bunch, but our back 7 and especially LB core is just laughably bad. The lack of talent of our safeties and that unit are glaring, underneath stuff is there nonstop.
  19. If we don’t score again we lose, truly believe that. This game should have been OVER. Bad play calling and worse INT. Hate to see it.
  20. It shouldn’t be understated that every scoring drive for the Bengals is a direct result of bad special teams. Hope they watch a lot of film to firm it up.
  21. Dudes helmet flies off, no flag. This bengals line could get a legit flag.every down. Gotta call it a few damn times.
  22. Idk what it’s called, but I hate those “quick” hand offs where the RB is only 4-5 yards off center like Chubb was 1st and 2nd down. Bad series of calls there.
  23. I usually don’t play this card, but the holding is ATROCIOUS tonight on the bengals line. They’re letting them play but it doesn’t help.
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