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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Lamar can’t throw the fucking football. Outside of one miracle throw he can’t throw the football. Why on earth are you leaving a whole side of the damn field open like that with linebackers in bail coverage? So fucking dumb.
  2. Absolutely way too soft coverage. Seeing sinking backers against Lamar drives me insane. That third down (and terrible, not needed PI) is what Lamar does when you take the run away. Do it.
  3. look, I know I should be happy the Browns are actually a team that is getting flexed to prime time. But man, idc if it makes me sound old I hate the late evening games (college and pro). Having them two weeks in a row now is a pisser.
  4. I normally ain't the conspiracy type, but the Jags had lost their very close game MOMENTS before this absolutely insane defensive call was made. Like, a pee-wee coach wouldn't call an all out blitz level insane. Really, really hard not to at least entertain the idea there was a "blow this game" thought process there.
  5. Will never forget first game he was out there, seeing his bit unusual stance in the back field and thinking here we go again. Boy was I wrong. With Chubb, the little things just add up to make the man elite. The way he's able to absorb contact and fall forward is so subtle, but so valuable in the position. Add in that sneaky "see you later" speed and boy he's a pleasure to watch.
  6. They have to shift that to college rules. Have to make that reviewable by the booth. Too big of a miss.
  7. First question postgame needs to be why you don’t sneak it there. Two down to sneak for 4 inches, bad bad decision.
  8. For sure. I get why he’s running it with dudes being out, but we gotta be more man or at least underneath more in the 2nd half. Glennon beats you with that, so be it.
  9. I just hope no one drank the kool aid on this defense being worth a shit. I know we’re out some dudes today but that’s a 3rd string QB throwing to wide open dudes who are trailed by two defenders, but are still open by 5+ yards. That’s a big, big yikes.
  10. If the reports are seemingly true that he was sent home for feeling ill before being put on the list today, I'm guessing he's out two games (assuming he recovers fine). Some people are speculating they can "back date" his being put on the COVID list to Wednesday, which would technically allow him to be "cleared" Saturday of next week, before the Jags game. Banking on 2 games, though.
  11. https://www.wkyc.com/article/sports/nfl/browns/browns-2020-trade-deadline-targets/95-ce0c3ed0-498f-4af0-9f95-bb8cb88b7ff6 A lot of good names to consider to bulk up the defense at the trade deadline. It's a great scenario to add a player or two going into the bye as well. Potentially getting a safety like Simmons playing on a franchise tag, and perhaps extending them would be such a nice pick me up. Every season is different, and long-term success is tough. I really hope there's a plan to push some buttons to make our defense better.
  12. Giants, Jets and Jags better be W's, so starting the bar at 8-8. Seems likely we get at least one more of those games (with the Texans and Eagles circled), so 9-7 seems very realistic. Looking at the wild card currently, LV, Indy, and Miami seem to be the three barriers to entry (assuming Baltimore firmly has the 5 seed). Colts have a much harder schedule, Raiders are about even (colts vs raiders may be a big game for us), and dolphins about even too. Just sincerely hope we have an ace up our sleeve to get a little help on the defensive side of the ball before the trade deadline.
  13. He’s just two steps behind on everything. On that frankly should have been TD he just stands there flat footed and gets smoked on a simple corner route. I truly am lost how this man has a starting job. How much more do you need to see?
  14. Redwine had awful moments, but there is zero chance Harrison/Joseph/Redwine is a worse combination then Sandejo right now. The amount of touchdowns that are DIRECTLY attributed to this dude has to be insane. If you want to keep him as the last man up for leadership? Fine, but my God get his ass off the field.
  15. Literally not one pass was air thrown over 8 yards. Woods should be EMBARRASSED at how pathetic his game plan is today.
  16. Our schemes are so fucking predictable right now. If they complete one more 5 yard out route I’m gonna lose my mind.
  17. Having a hard time understanding the scheme defensively today.
  18. To be completely fair one was a total drop from Hunt. But still, beyond lousy.
  19. Coach needs to be screaming at the refs on that fade obvious offensive PI. That’s twice now. Got baited on a rookie move.
  20. Has someone asked woods and or stefanski specifically why Sendejo gets so much run? I just don’t get it. Bad mistake by Joe there-of.
  21. I (fortunately) wasn't able to watch this one, but I'm glad coach said it this way. Got smoked by a top 3 team, no doubt about it. But at the same time, that's what happens to growing teams who are learning to play with the big dogs of the NFL. Who knows how the rest of the year will play out, but all I know is we have a great shot to be 5-2 after Sunday, and have three winnable games after that as well. Even assuming we drop one of those, 7-3 with two of those losses being the Ravens and Steelers is damn fine to me. Still plenty of time to get them game two, both at home. I'm sure as shit happy to be on this ride compared to previous years.
  22. Just hope he still gets his pay day that should have come this year. This is why these guys push so hard for guaranteed money in contracts. Jerry better do right by him and give him the deal he's earned, unless the guy can never play again (which I doubt). Not saying he should get Mahomes money, but no reason for him not get the $30 mil plus.
  23. If he could teach that to Sendejo, it couldn't hurt. At this point that man should be praying to Thor himself.
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