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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Watt took the place that at least had a blueprint for success and offered him the most money. Murray somewhat quietly showed regression in a lot of areas last year, so we shall see. I hope everyone here realizes that $23 million guaranteed for a 32 year old DE who objectively has shown decline in health and stats was not it for this club. We have way too many young guys to pay for that short term cap struggle.
  2. I’m trying to be as nice as possible, but your first two sources are such bullshit to me. Loyal to a fault is such a tired ass excuse to try to give shitty as people a pass. Loyalty shouldn’t matter when guys are murdering people in cold blood. Aaron was overtly guilty and these dudes were clubbing mocking a man who was murdered in hats. Immaturity is getting too drunk and ending up in the drunk tank. I’m not going to grant that same pass for dudes who willingly wore merch supporting a murderer. The second source is such an obvious homer piece you may as well cast marge as its wife. The pounceys hung out with Aaron his whole adult life. a simple Google search shows the amount of times they went out. You’re telling me they had NO idea the monster that man was? You’re entitled to your opinion man, but nah big time for me. I want to be sure to note I appreciate you you bringing sources. I hope that doesn’t come across sarcastic, I do mean it. On my phone but I’ll note those you asked for next week.
  3. It's amazing to me how many people forget how these two fervently defended Aaron Hernandez, despite likely being there the night of the incident. I'll never get over that as part of their legacies, cause it wasn't just "he's a friend and we want him to have support". It was wearing "free Aaron hernandez" shit, stalked and harrassed the family of the dude who was murdered, etc.
  4. I definitely get the sense JJ is going to take less money to play for a winner. No way he leaves 17.5 million on the table if he didn’t feel that way. take a look at 2020 stats, though. The man was seemingly healthy (played all 16) and had below average stats across the board. That being said? As I said in the other thread, a 2 year deal with opt out after year one, and incentive laden may be worth a serious look.
  5. It's wild, dementia and Alzheimer's is actually similar to HIV and AIDS in that some people, for reasons currently unknown, simply do not go past a certain stage of the disease. In fact, all the current research is going into exactly how they "cured" HIV and other diseases like Parkinson's, in that they believe they can soon essentially prevent the disease from progressing and allow folks to live with the milder symptoms.
  6. Great post, this is exactly why he should be a "no" at all costs for the short-term. The browns need defensive help, and I absolutely like the idea of getting solid veteran guys. Sherman ain't it, though. On the edge and in the secondary we need to get faster and more agile. Richard isn't either of those. Now, if he doesn't get scooped up in the early FA market and we don't see development or recovery? Maybe.
  7. I said it in the other thread, I just hope Marty went as peacefully as possible. The last days of my grandfather in hospice with sever Alzheimer's were unfortunately not graceful, and extremely tough. I truly hope we find a breakthrough on this awful disease. RIP.
  8. Honestly, any position in the front seven I see as the absolute target for the Browns in the draft and FA. With Larry seemingly not coming back, and Vernon almost for sure not coming back (and with that injury, maybe done period), any position up front is going to need upgrading. But whoever said it above is right-we need speed on defense. Seeing White, Winfield Jr, and even Suh getting on top of arguably the most elusive QB in the league spoke loudly. I said I think in a different thread, but I'm fine with our depth at the DB position notably with Greedy and Delpit in the mix. I actually thought the reserve guys who were often thrust into starts, without traditional practices, played fine to good. If Greedy can come back and start? I think depth there is solid on paper.
  9. Another year, another simple understanding of how teams win super bowls -above average at worst, to elite level play at the QB -A relentless ability to get to the QB -A OL that keeps your QB upright. Candidly, we have two of the three. Offseason and draft needs to focus heavily on improving pass rush.
  10. Shaq Barrett is a monster and I’m totally fine if the browns offer him big.
  11. This is the part I think some folks don't realize is what actually kills people who have this disease, most of the time.. Your brain literally deteriorates to the point where your body doesn't remember how to survive. Watching my grandfather go from dementia to Alzheimer's was such a heartbreaking period of my life. The worst, to me, were those moments of lucidity where I saw a man who was aware at that point in time he was literally losing his mind. Talk about something I don't wish on my worst enemy. I hope Marty is able to be at peace.
  12. Issue is, you don’t pay someone $17.5 million to be on a pitch count. Again, if watt was on one a year, lower base deal with incentives sure. But in a year where cap is going down and we have 3-4 key dudes to re-sign. One year or not, that doesn’t make sense. even one year dudes mess up abilities to sign players long-term. He would have to take a serious restructure to even consider it.
  13. I just don't understand why anyone who has followed along Watt's journey the last 5 years would seriously want him at the number he's being paid (even if he's a restructure). 2018 season aside, 2016-2017, and 2019-2020 were either serious injuries or just below average years. The dude was healthy enough to start every game this year, and I get the Texans were a bad team but I think it's apparent the injuries, and age, are catching. If it was a 1 year, $2.5 mill base type situation with incentive laden bonuses? Sure, let's see if there's still juice to squeeze. But not at his number, no way. I get it, the man was the best at the position for nearly 6 years, but that ship is sailing. Would MUCH rather get someone with upside, or if we want the veteran route target Yannick or something similar (and younger)
  14. I mean, even if all that happens the Steelers are in a bad salary cap situation. There's absolutely no way they can keep several of their starters, and on top of that plan for TJ Watt and Fitzpatrick (assuming they are priority, which they are). Rooney has admitted they put themselves in a bad situation: https://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/2021/1/29/22255394/steelers-current-salary-cap-situation-has-them-reconsidering-the-way-they-do-contracts-art-rooney. I respect the family for what they do with vets, but planning $41 million dollars for a 38 year old QB was bad salary cap planning. No way around it, Steelers are in a VERY tough spot assuming Ben comes back. It's naive to think otherwise. Candidly, from what I saw with Big Ben this year I'm not sure I'd want him under center. His play this year eerily reminded me of Manning before his injuries. I don't doubt Ben, if released, would pull a Phillip Rivers and go to a contender for a year (Bears, Colts, 49ers), but he just looks like he didn't, and won't, come back from his injury. Delhomme was the same way afterward.
  15. For sure, man. I have a 13, almost 14 month old now and my wife and I (who is about to turn 31) remark on the cool journey we'll be able to tell her. We truly are the last generation to have any memory of a world that didn't revolve around screens. I VIVIDLY remember getting our first dial up computer at 10 years old, and our first family cell phone at 13. Now, my kiddo damn near knows how to work an Ipad at a year old. I hear that, didn't hit up my high school reunion but being friends with a lot of them on facebook, I turned out alright. Just vibin and listening to Goo Goo Dolls haha. I, quite literally, told kids to get off my lawn 3 days ago. To be fair they were being shits and breaking sprinklers but still.
  16. I just turned 31 and got an MRI recently from a bowling throw gone wrong. Life comes fast, man. I'm with you on what I hope the Browns draft strategy is 110%. No matter how you slice it in thinking of scheme, the Browns need EDGE rush help outside Myles and back 7 help. No way Vernon comes back with the injury he had, would be shocked if he plays at all again really. I actually really didn't think our DB depth played bad at all, considering how thrust some dudes were into starting roles. On top of that, we have non-significant capital invested in Greedy and Delpit. I really hope we're targeting a DE/OL prospect, that was the Achilles heel to me more than anything on the defensive side. Who that should be and who may available though I genuinely have NO clue about.
  17. all, been a weird crazy month for me (all good, turns out having a baby turning one a week before christmas makes that time of year hectic haha). As a typical frequent poster I just want to say I love you crazy bastards. The raw emotion of our fans (me included) today is incredible. If Ohio State manages to win tonight it legit might be the best two days of sports life. I'm just in shock of yesterday, would have never guessed that in a million years. Oh, and seeing Big Rapist crying like Forrest Gump on the bench while browns players were barking "same old browns" is giving me life for weeks.
  18. It's Bitonio and Hodge too. I'm going to be extremely curious to know about the details that led to this situation devolving the way it has. So unbelievably unfortunate.
  19. To be honest the DBs are playing good defense today, just making tough catches.
  20. Of course in arguably the biggest game of the last 25 years this shit happens. Good lord.
  21. I was begging for hunt to have been short. You’re gonna have a hard time convincing me defensive scheme absolutely lost this game. Giving up 15 yards underneath when you got a sniper kicker on the other end is inexcusable. Leaving wide lanes open against a dude who can’t throw the fucking football is Scheme. Absolutely a shame.
  22. Thanks-add that TD to the list. Either our players aren’t lining up correctly or the scheme is leaving ZERO edge contain. Hard to think it’s the former.
  23. I ain’t being funny Lamar had that look like he was about to shit his pants.
  24. I’d love some more advanced breakdown from you. Cause from my untrained eye I see a dude having wide open running lanes that should never exist in the first place from backers in bad schemes. Two plays in a row just showed you exactly what we know- jackson can’t throw the ball. Outside of Mack Wilson missing a gap tackle on Edwards I see guys in scheme just leaving running lanes way too open.
  25. I’ll give Lamar credit if he shakes and bakes and goes magic man. But that shit just like the TD before half is wide open. My old ass could have run for 30 there. How you scheme that way? I’m just baffled, and that was a half time adjustment for God sake.
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