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I can't believe it happened...

Legacy Fan

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Mangini - with this move - has officially lost my confidence and respect as a head coach. The QB switch is only slightly shocking in comparison to that, imo.


For the 1st time in my life, I am apathetic towards the Cleveland Browns. Not even during the Mo Caurthon days did I feel this way. I actually remember being pissed at Belichoke for canning Bernie, but with this, I have no feeling at the moment. Nothing. I mean, I'm actually pissed that I'm not pissed. WTF? I glanced over a few thread titles, and I'm sure there are dozens of posts from dozens of guys in here I respect tremendously, offering insight, encouragement, and maybe a smidge of justification (not likely) - but I just don't care to read them. So, for that - fcuk you, Eric.


If Mangini has so quickly given up on the season, then why should I waste my emotion, energy and time on it?


This isn't about the QB move, but rather the manifestation of Mangini's "build it the right way plan" being a complete and total failure; one that he's scrapped 3 weeks into the season, in an effort to "provide a spark" (read: save his job with a potential win or two).




If I could even afford season tickets (&PSL's), then I could afford to swallow them, crap them into a bag, and mail them to Eric Mangini. I'd only be returning the favor.

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Mangini - with this move - has officially lost my confidence and respect as a head coach. The QB switch is only slightly shocking in comparison to that, imo.


For the 1st time in my life, I am apathetic towards the Cleveland Browns. Not even during the Mo Caurthon days did I feel this way. I actually remember being pissed at Belichoke for canning Bernie, but with this, I have no feeling at the moment. Nothing. I mean, I'm actually pissed that I'm not pissed. WTF? I glanced over a few thread titles, and I'm sure there are dozens of posts from dozens of guys in here I respect tremendously, offering insight, encouragement, and maybe a smidge of justification (not likely) - but I just don't care to read them. So, for that - fcuk you, Eric.


If Mangini has so quickly given up on the season, then why should I waste my emotion, energy and time on it?


This isn't about the QB move, but rather the manifestation of Mangini's "build it the right way plan" being a complete and total failure; one that he's scrapped 3 weeks into the season, in an effort to "provide a spark" (read: save his job with a potential win or two).




If I could even afford season tickets (&PSL's), then I could afford to swallow them, crap them into a bag, and mail them to Eric Mangini. I'd only be returning the favor.



I hear you Leg. The way the Browns have played since coming back in 99, makes it hard to give a sh#t about them. I don't get my hopes up in pre-season any more that they will do any good, that way I'm not dissapointed if/when they do start sucking. I love the Browns, but the team that has been around since 99 is a farce, and making a once proud franchise a laughing stock of the NFL. :angry:

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There's a part of me that is really jealous of both of you to just "turn off" the switch that makes you not care about this team anymore. I try to stay away, I think to myself on Sundays (the Denver Sunday for sure this season) that I'm done with this and I'm not going to turn down other opportunities on Sundays because I want to watch the Browns, but by about Wednesday I'm sucked right back in and I can't wait for Sunday to watch them play again, convinced that this week is going to be the week that we turn it around.


I still believe that for this week...

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This isn't about the QB move, but rather the manifestation of Mangini's "build it the right way plan" being a complete and total failure; one that he's scrapped 3 weeks into the season, in an effort to "provide a spark" (read: save his job with a potential win or two).

And before someone notes that Belichick's benevolent dictatorship in New England began with four losses, consider the statistical differences between those two starts:


Point Differential (in terms of points per game)

  • Belichick: -5
  • Mangini: -22
Yardage Differential (in terms of yards per game)
  • Belichick: -21.75
  • Mangini: -194.67
That's the difference between rebuilding and just getting blown out.
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Mark - I don't really consider it a "switch" as it's the 1st time I've felt this way about our Browns. I was/am honestly troubled by the feeling and thought I'd share. The move, drive, fumble, Crennel, Couch, Oliphant, Bentley, etc.; every stroke of bad luck or misfortune we've had as Browns fans I've always had "anger" as part of the emotional package. Even last week & the week before, in the midst of all the "God, we suck" there was anger. It's not there this time.


Confusion & apathy have taken center stage.



Spec- yeah, that's what's been so weird about today. Normally, when we give one away on Sunday, we can come in here & talk it up via our camaraderie. I don't know.. weird day.

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And before someone notes that Belichick's benevolent dictatorship in New England began with four losses, consider the statistical differences between those two starts:


Point Differential (in terms of points per game)

  • Belichick: -5
  • Mangini: -21.75
Yardage Differential (in terms of yards per game)
  • Belichick: -21.75
  • Mangini: -194.67
That's the difference between rebuilding and just getting blown out.



Its going to get worse before it gets any better.


Now Im sick!

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And before someone notes that Belichick's benevolent dictatorship in New England began with four losses, consider the statistical differences between those two starts:


Point Differential (in terms of points per game)

  • Belichick: -5
  • Mangini: -21.75
Yardage Differential (in terms of yards per game)
  • Belichick: -21.75
  • Mangini: -194.67
That's the difference between rebuilding and just getting blown out.


Now that might bring a little of the anger back. Yeesh.


Thanks, Al. ;)

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I hear you guys. I have to go to my niece's 7th birthday party this Sunday (yay), so I won't get to watch the Browns. Part of me wanted to just enjoy the day with the family and not even think about the game....but, alas, I already have my DVR set to record it. And I'm sure I'll race home afterwards not talking to friends, listening to radio, TV, etc. so the outcome is still a surprise.


There shoud be a Paul Brown wing in Oakview for the sorry addicts like myself who are jones'n for some good Browns football...'cause we sure as hell aren't going to get it this year.


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Mark - I don't really consider it a "switch" as it's the 1st time I've felt this way about our Browns. I was/am honestly troubled by the feeling and thought I'd share. The move, drive, fumble, Crennel, Couch, Oliphant, Bentley, etc.; every stroke of bad luck or misfortune we've had as Browns fans I've always had "anger" as part of the emotional package. Even last week & the week before, in the midst of all the "God, we suck" there was anger. It's not there this time.


Confusion & apathy have taken center stage.



Spec- yeah, that's what's been so weird about today. Normally, when we give one away on Sunday, we can come in here & talk it up via our camaraderie. I don't know.. weird day.



Either way...I'm partially jealous that some of you can just turn it off at some point and reach "I don't care anymore" status. I can't get there. I'm still pissed on Sunday night, the only thing I'm thankful about is that I can stay away from all of this since I don't live in Cleveland. I'd be certifiable if I still lived in Cleveland after the past 10 years.

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Guys it could be worst ... you could have been an idiot like me and upgraded my PSL's to move into the section where Roachmstr and other friends sit and now owe $750.00 by November 1st.


Now what do you think HagII is gonna do to me when she see's us forking over another $750 for this bullshit?


However, the season starts Sunday ... The Browns are gonna win, I guarantee it.


It's a trap game.

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Guys it could be worst ... you could have been an idiot like me and upgraded my PSL's to move into the section where Roachmstr and other friends sit and now owe $750.00 by November 1st.


Now what do you think HagII is gonna do to me when she see's us forking over another $750 for this bullshit?


However, the season starts Sunday ... The Browns are gonna win, I guarantee it.


It's a trap game.

Fookin A. Now that is fandom at its most primal. LOL. That is classic.

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At least some of you guys get to root for a winner on Saturdays (OSU, Florida, etc.).


I have to root for Syracuse on Saturdays and the Browns on Sundays. I am in good miserable company though (Jim Brown, The Late Ernie Davis, Kevin Johnson).



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I appreciate your honesty.


I think the feeling will come back.


In all honesty here, and no smack intended.


I think a lot of people had a lot of emotion invested in BQ. His looking so incredibly bad wasn't like letting the air of the tire. It was a blow out.


I think once those people come to grips with that, which will happen, all will be back to normal.


Chin up my man.

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Either way...I'm partially jealous that some of you can just turn it off at some point and reach "I don't care anymore" status. I can't get there. I'm still pissed on Sunday night, the only thing I'm thankful about is that I can stay away from all of this since I don't live in Cleveland. I'd be certifiable if I still lived in Cleveland after the past 10 years.

I feel better today, letting me know I'll be ready to root on Sunday. I guess most of my post/feelings was/were more directed at Mangini than the Browns. I still want to crap in a bag and mail it to him.


As it were, I'm a big music guy so normally when I get on this thing I strap on the big douchey headphones and let the itunes genius earn his pay. I always kind of thought "genius" was a little strong, but this morning he kicked off with "In my time of dying" by Zep so I chuckled, went back & checked what was playing about the time I wrote the OP: "No quarter" by Zep - could have easily set the tone for the weird mood.



Guys it could be worst ... you could have been an idiot like me and upgraded my PSL's to move into the section where Roachmstr and other friends sit and now owe $750.00 by November 1st.


Now what do you think HagII is gonna do to me when she see's us forking over another $750 for this bullshit?

Damn, that sucks - Mine can't even believe I waste the time on the TV or streaming. An extra 7.5 bills would probably push her over the edge.

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Mangini - with this move - has officially lost my confidence and respect as a head coach. The QB switch is only slightly shocking in comparison to that, imo.


For the 1st time in my life, I am apathetic towards the Cleveland Browns. Not even during the Mo Caurthon days did I feel this way. I actually remember being pissed at Belichoke for canning Bernie, but with this, I have no feeling at the moment. Nothing. I mean, I'm actually pissed that I'm not pissed. WTF? I glanced over a few thread titles, and I'm sure there are dozens of posts from dozens of guys in here I respect tremendously, offering insight, encouragement, and maybe a smidge of justification (not likely) - but I just don't care to read them. So, for that - fcuk you, Eric.


If Mangini has so quickly given up on the season, then why should I waste my emotion, energy and time on it?


This isn't about the QB move, but rather the manifestation of Mangini's "build it the right way plan" being a complete and total failure; one that he's scrapped 3 weeks into the season, in an effort to "provide a spark" (read: save his job with a potential win or two).




If I could even afford season tickets (&PSL's), then I could afford to swallow them, crap them into a bag, and mail them to Eric Mangini. I'd only be returning the favor.

I know nobody wants to hear this, but I just think it's too early to give up on Mangini. We need some sort of stability to start the process of getting back to having a real team. I'm a little ashamed to say that I felt pretty much the same way when Belichik marked his territory here. In fact....I wasn't apathetic....I was more anti Browns, with the hope that if they continued to lose, Belichik would be gone. My favorite team, at one point, was whoever the Browns were playing. Of course back then, we had had a decent team and had some recent success. With this situation, we're all kind of drained from year after year, looking forward to football season, just to come back to reality after 3 games....we still suck. Remember what Modell always said when the fans booed or got upset....."as long as they are making noise, they still care. It's when they become apathetic that you know you have problems".....or something like that.

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If I could even afford season tickets (&PSL's), then I could afford to swallow them, crap them into a bag, and mail them to Eric Mangini. I'd only be returning the favor.


I had planned 100% to see 2 games this year downtown. Now, I will be lucky to see 2 on TV.


Watch me eat my words and they win the next 5 out of 6.


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LMAO!! We need to just rename this board. THEBROWNSSUPPORTGROUP.COM That's exactly what this is. Hell, that's why I signed up!



We do it every week. Get pissed on Sunday evening... evening cuz I usually have the kid and I won't subject her to this. So I watch the tape. Which really helps because in my pea sized brain I tell myself no matter what happens, no point in getting all worked up about it. It's all ready done. No amount of yelling at the TV is going to change it. Game was hours ago. It's like I'm watching history. I could catch a Kardiac Kids game on ESPN Classic and it would be the exact same thing, an old game. All ready played.


But I digress....


We watch the game and then find ourselves with an assload of emotion to get off our chest. Rightfully so. We know this is a rebuilding process but let's be honest, I'm not sure Gilligan has a feasible plan worked out to steer this ship. It looks more and more like he's winging it.


We rant and rave and by Thursday I'm ready for Sunday.... ready to watch the TAPE of the game.


Battered spouse syndrome. We'll keep coming back and taking the abuse. Fortunately I discovered I can take the abuse a LOT cheaper at home.

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Guys it could be worst ... you could have been an idiot like me and upgraded my PSL's to move into the section where Roachmstr and other friends sit and now owe $750.00 by November 1st...


ATE, I ended up giving up my PSL thinking for sure, as luck would have it, this would be the year Quinn rose to the top and we'd be back to Bernie type days of a kid from Ohio making this all fun again.


I was wrong, and do not feel any better in bypassing my tix this year. So, looks like we're all bummed no matter the upgrade or downgrade in tix.

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Dude ... all we are doing is replacing an ineffective QB.


I'd feel worse if Mangini kept throwing Quinn out there every week. I'd feel like we didn't have a chance.


Your juices will be flowing on Sunday and you know it. So next time you get this down about the Browns, don't express it in a homo thread.


We are 0-3 in a new coaching era. Sucks ... but we're still the Browns. Thank God. I love being the Browns and being a Browns fan. The product will get better ... being a Browns fan is always the best.



--C'mon ... it's the Bengals. We're going to have a shootout at CBS this Sunday. I'm ready to start pregaming already.



Dude ... what are we replacing said qb with? A shinier turd? Scott Mitchell? Thats right the guy who chucked 3 int's in 1/2 a game, the smiley fella, yay. I expect to see a minimum of 35-40 pass attempts. If DA is the starter for the remainder of the season he'll never make it without injury, you want to see Ratliff or Quinn at that point?

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Many are feeling the same, but remember 1974-75, 1984 or even 1990? Real, real bad football, just like now.

The biggest problem is shelling out $$ and emotion and seeing no results, especially at home games, where we can't establish any edge at all.

We won't be shitty forever...just think of how crazy this town will be when we finally look like a pro team again. You'll be back on board real quick. Hell, even an 0-26 Tampa Bay team turned it around and got to the NFC title game.

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Dude ... all we are doing is replacing an ineffective QB.


I'd feel worse if Mangini kept throwing Quinn out there every week. I'd feel like we didn't have a chance.


Your juices will be flowing on Sunday and you know it. So next time you get this down about the Browns, don't express it in a homo thread.


We are 0-3 in a new coaching era. Sucks ... but we're still the Browns. Thank God. I love being the Browns and being a Browns fan. The product will get better ... being a Browns fan is always the best.



--C'mon ... it's the Bengals. We're going to have a shootout at CBS this Sunday. I'm ready to start pregaming already.

I know Z, but we're replacing him with someone less than inneffective. I was drinking, and dodging Skins fans, but I know I saw 3 picks from Derek "same as it ever was" Anderson.


I'm not calling Mangini a bum for "bailing on my boy Quinn," he's a bum for bailing on his plan. Surely you don't believe Quinn or our team got a fair shake at evaluation with the garbage play calling and non-existent tackling. DA is not the long term solution or Mangini would have started him from wk 1. Relative to the rest of the team, Quinn's play hasn't been bad enough to stand out to get him yanked. DA's 3-fer, OTOH was.


Fail points awarded to Eric Mangini.

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I have a feeling that Mangini is drooling over next years draft more than we know. I beleive he also knows alot of the current roster won't be here next year. They will get better this year, DA or Quinn. If the o-line doesn't shape up you'll probaly see Ratliff this year also.

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