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Government and Computer Manufacturers Caught Installing Keystroke Loggers into All New Laptops

Mr. T

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Device captures everything you type and sends it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant - every time you log on to the internet!


Look for yourself HERE!


This information can be sent to DHS, online, without your knowledge or consent, without a search warrant, or even probable cause! That's why this device is hard-wired directly into the ethernet card, which communicates over the internet!



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It can be scary, I refuse to be intimidated ny any of this.


When did DHS start recording information for future thought crimes. I am sure that little vit of info will scare the paranoid.


Exercise your rights & keep your powder dry. :)



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I never heard of this before.


But it's not hard to do.


It's a very troubling and serious thing...


yelling "fire" in a theater is one thing.


but typing "somebody ought to kick the Obama admin's ass"


is hardly a joke AFTER it is parsed out into list of


all the other things that are typed.


You really have to wonder ... what is so terrible coming down the line that


the government is THAT paranoid?

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It can be scary, I refuse to be intimidated ny any of this.


When did DHS start recording information for future thought crimes. I am sure that little vit of info will scare the paranoid.


Exercise your rights & keep your powder dry. :)


Probably the same time the Patriot Act was passed. Great now the government is going to know I watch porn. jk


Memo to self:


Carry out plans to overthrow government on Commodore 64.

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T, DHS is not doing this. That's the point. You're a crazy person, and there's no government conspiracy theory you won't buy. And no fringe website you won't pass off as truth.


I can't imagine how much of your day is spent worrying about things that are not there.


To say nothing of the fact that you don't seem to know how the government does sift through email, and that it didn't start with this administration.

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