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Proof positive barker is the Real Deal


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I am here to say that open criticism is the most indefatigable proof that you talent is REAL.

If.you are alo demough, do you remember how all the experts kept warning Ali to shut his mouth because someone will shut it? Nobody did.

How about Joe Namath guaranteeing a SB win? Did his cockiness hurt his greatness? 

Swagger, braggadociuosness, confidence and cokciness may mot always be seen as amusing, and very, very often, it pizzes people off.

But who does it Pizz off the most? Obvious. It pizzess off people who have competed in your space before you.

When I witness ex players like Steve Young warning Baker Mayfield not to be so flamboyant it illustrates TWO important things......

1) Baker's talent is so big that ex jocks are jealous. It means that the potential of Baker is on the precipice of, scraes them that their own accomplishments will become yesterday's news. When the only criticism ex QB'S and caulksucker announcers can come up with it a guys flambouyancy you can be sure......THAT GUY.IS THE TITS.

2) We are about to go on one hell of a ride.

Seriously, how funny is it that these fahkers arent talking about Baker's unparalleled quick release, accuracy and deciosion making, but instead are talking about bullschidt that has absolutely nothing to do with football?

Fauhk Cowturd and Fauhk Steve Young.

Think about Jim Brown.....NEVER does he minimize a great new Running Back. Even OJ, Jim calls a great back. Class.guy, in spite of his peccadilloes.

God keep Barker healthy.

BOOM.      Go Browns. Fauhk everyone else.

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Let's be honest, HE ISN'T FLAMBOYANT.  The news for 10 days or more now, has been a throwaway comment he made before the game "No.... Just No".. And the fact that he wouldn't hug a fucking traitor as he saw it(and me.. FUCK HUE)...

In a fit of emotion, he took a flag and planted it in the O.. At OSU... He took a picture of himself on draft day to make it look like his idol Brett Favre.  He is humble in his press conferences. He gives credit to everyone when they win and takes blame when they lose.

What pisses people off about Baker is that he has the level of confidence and understanding of the game in YEAR ONE, that 90% of the QB's in the league past and present NEVER have. and the other 10% of "elite" quarterbacks took several years to attain.

They are jealous of his success and his confidence. A rookie shouldn't be that confident and should know his place...

Baker doesn't give a shit. What I worry about is a cheap shot on him by a jealous veteran who doesn't like his attitude. But he appears to be sturdy and is getting physically stronger every week and mentally sharper.. And it is rubbing off on Shobert on the defense. Another high IQ/confident young man.



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