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Olbermann sucks so bad I would rather watch paint dry.


he has not even tapped into his real talents yet, But that special day is coming when he gets demoted to just reporting on special olympics.


Oh' wait! Danamal loves him. he even has a Olberman buttplug that he hangs from his neck like a set of dog tags.

See there is a place for Olberman he can be viewed regulary at any nut house.

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No I dont watch him, His basic premise is sound maybe a touch grandiose in examples but certainly grounded with some real historic facts.


Accountability is something government does not want to do AT ALL. Obama and company dont want to be held accountable either so setting up the precedent with Bush is not something I see them doing.

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Garofalo: Tea Party Goers Are Racists Who Hate Black President


On Thursday's "Countdown," MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and his guest Janeane Garofalo defamed fellow citizens who attended the prior day's Tea Parties with the same vitriolic contempt.


Garofalo actually called Party-goers "a bunch of teabagging rednecks," adding "this is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up."


Hate!!! That’s all liberals ever preach about meanwhile they are the biggest haters of all.


They hate America, Traditional Familes, Religion, Unborn Babies, Liberty, Guns, & Apple Pie.


The only time Liberals whine about their Rights being trampled on is when it serves their cause for hating everything that made America Great!






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Dan, you have never been funny.


So, that pretty much makes you inept at


gaging what is and what isn't funny.


Me, I'm just really funny most of the time, without trying,


because I'm older than T.


I rememer Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Don Knotts,

Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, Andy Griffith, George Allen, Milton Berle,

Jerry Lewis, and a lot of others I can't think of right now.


My novel is funny "lol". And sad. "sniff". And dramatic. "OH!". And spooky. "cringe"

And adventurous. "WOW".


Still not finished. but then, it isn't a comedy like Dan and Heck's "indignation".

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Question: What is the difference between Pelosi and a catfish?

Answer: One’s a scum sucking bottom dweller and ones a fish.


Question: What’s the difference between Harry Reid and a bald monkey?

Answer: A sports jacket.


Question: What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and Chuck e. Cheese Schumer?

Answer: One has a Radio Show and is the most listened to in America and the other is a loud mouth liberal loser.


Question: Why can’t liberals find facts?

Answer: They aren’t looking for any.


Question: How do liberals brain cells die?

Answer: Lonely.


Question: How do you confuse a liberal?

Answer: You don’t, they are born that way


Question: If Hillary, Bill and all the liberals are on a sinking ship, who gets saved?

Answer: We do.


Question: What’s the difference between an Iraq terrorist and a liberal?

Answer: The Iraq terrorist makes fewer demands.


Question: What’s the difference between liberals and cow pies?

Answer: Cow pies stop stinking after awhile


Question: Did you hear about the new liberal agenda.

Answer: They got two hands in your front pocket and two in you back pockets.


Question: What’s the definition of a liberal genius?

Answer: A liberal who can count all 50 states.


Question: What do you get when you cross a Jackass with an onion?

Answer: A whinny Liberal.


Question: How is being at a Democrat convention different from being at the circus?

Answer: At the circus the clowns don’t beg and whine at you.


Question: How many Liberals does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: It takes ten, nine to deny that darkness exists and one to hire a Republican to change it.


Question: How much does a Liberal cost?

Answer: Nothing, Liberals have no values.


Question: How many chromosomes does a Liberal have?

Answer: Only 45, they are missing the “Truth Acceptance Chromosome.”


Question: What is the difference between Liberalism and Communism?

Answer: The Communist admit it.


Question: How high can a Liberal’s I-Q go?

Answer: Only as high as the Liberal Spin they receive.


Question: Why do Liberals lie?

Answer: It comes natural


Question: What is a Liberal’s primary “feeling?”

Answer: Envy.


Question: What is a sure way to teach a Liberal to fetch?

Answer: Tie a picture of Obama's butt to a stick and throw it.


Question: Why do flies fly over Liberals heads?

Answer: They have crap for brains.


Question: How can you tell a group of Liberals?

Answer: They are the ones burning the American Flag.


Question: How can you tell a group of Liberals?

Answer: They are the ones burning the Constitution


Question: What is the difference between a Liberal and a bucket of old cheese?

Answer: The bucket


Question: What is the difference between giving to the poor and giving to Liberals?

Answer: The poor don’t follow you around for three weeks whining for more.


Question: Why did God make Liberal smarter than rats?

Answer: He didn’t.


Question: How do you drown a Liberal?

You paint Obama's face at the bottom of a pool.


Question: Why do Liberals like smart women?

Answer: Opposites attract.


Question: Why is it so hard for Liberals to make eye contact?

Answer: Obama's rear doesn’t have eyes.


Question: Why is it so hard for Liberals to see?

Answer: There are no lights in Obama’s rear.


Question: How can you tell between cow pies and Liberals?

Answer: You Can’t.

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What's REALLY funny, is that Obama's bark has now fallen off the ugly tree to the extent, that


we went to the grocery store, and when we passed the magazine stand...




of the UnAmerican Obomination.

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Anybody watch this buttplug regularly?WSS


Steve, he was an arrogant asspole when he lived in CT and worked for ESPN. Knocked the area as too 'pedestrian' for his style.


If anything, the few like-minded (i.e. demented) people who watch him on MSNBC have made him even more arrogant and hateful (IMHO).


He makes an angry cartoon character, though


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Well some may not like my humor especially when it represents them in a negative way.


Oh well you shouldn't wear your feelings on your shirt sleeves like its a badge of courage.


Here you go Danamal Heck mz the pussy & shep you can bow down to this, i know you will. While I throwup



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So does anyone think this just might be a ploy to keep the nations eyes off the presidents planned spending?




That the relative lack of enthusiasm for an all out investigation might be due to Paneta's name being involved?

As we recall rendition was practiced during the administration from whence came a lotta Obama's cronies.....


And those outraged by tough interrogation might recall a recent post about solitary confinement.

A practice still in extensive use in federal pans right now.


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So does anyone think this just might be a ploy to keep the nations eyes off the presidents planned spending?




That the relative lack of enthusiasm for an all out investigation might be due to Paneta's name being involved?

As we recall rendition was practiced during the administration from whence came a lotta Obama's cronies.....


And those outraged by tough interrogation might recall a recent post about solitary confinement.

A practice still in extensive use in federal pans right now.




Panetta's Tortured Defense of CIA Practices


CIA Director Leon Panetta has consistently stated over the past several months that agency interrogators who participated in the Bush administration's sadistic torture practices should not be subject to "any investigation, let alone prosecution," because they were following legal advice provided by the Justice Department.


In March, Panetta said he agreed to cooperate with a Senate Intelligence Committee "review" and "study" on CIA interrogation methods on the condition that he received assurances from committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Republican Co-Chair Kit Bond (R-Missouri) that they would not attempt to "punish those who followed guidance from the Department of Justice."


"That is only fair," Panetta said. "Their goal is to draw lessons for future policy decisions" and [they] won't seek to punish those who participated in the program.

[For complete article reference links, please see Truthout source here.]


On Thursday, in announcing the closure of the "black site" prisons where the torture took place, Panetta said CIA "officers who act on guidance from the Department of Justice - or acted on such guidance previously - should not be investigated, let alone punished. This is what fairness and wisdom require."



However, Panetta's defense was dealt a serious blow last week when the Justice Department revealed in a letter sent to a federal court judge that 92 interrogation videotapes the CIA destroyed were made between April and December 2002.


The Justice Department's legal opinion authorizing the CIA to use specific interrogation methods, including the near-drowning technique known as waterboarding, was not issued until August 1, 2002.


Lev Dassin, acting US attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in his letter Thursday that the CIA will provide the American Civil Liberties Union with information related to the harsh interrogations depicted on the videotapes. The ACLU is suing the agency over its destruction of the tapes. But the information the Justice Department turns over about the videotapes will be limited to August 2002, the month the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel authorized the CIA to use the methods. .....................

continued on link


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nah, I didn't write em. Just found em out on the net, and posted em to prove


some kind of stupid point about "trying to be funny".


Most of those are painfully dumb.


But, that was kinda the point in itself.



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