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Obama steals McCain's lines

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It's just stupid politics, but I cant help myself...


For those of you that bought the line that McCain was out of touch or an idiot because he said that the fundamentals of the economy were strong, here is Obama advisor Christine Romer on MTP:


"Of course the fundamentals of the economy are strong"


For those of you that bought the Obama line that McCain's tax on medical benefits was terrible because it would amount to the "biggest middle class tax hike in history", here is CBO Director Peter Orszag on the proposal to tax health benefits:


“most firmly should remain on the table.”


You'll recall that McCain tax benefits but provided a $5,000 tax credit. So his plan was a net tax cut. You'll also recall that Obama claimed that he would lower taxes for all but the richest Americans. And many of you bought the line that Obama would tax at lower rates than McCain for everyone but the richest. But here he is refusing to say no to "the biggest middle class tax hike in history", "a multi-trillion dollar tax hike" according to Obama, but he isnt proposing to offset it with the $5,000 tax credit.


Yes, this is how politics works. I get it. These are minor sins that really dont matter. BUT I get to declare that I was right and you were wrong, and what is the point of a political message board if not to rub it in someone else's face when you win a meaningless point?




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Aloysius

Yeah, Obama was wrong to use the "he's gonna tax your health care" tack during the campaign, and it's going to come back & haunt him now. But while most experts agree that loosening the tie between health care and employment is a good idea, you have to replace it with a system that actually functions better, especially for those on the lower income scale. That was always the best substantive critique of McCain's health care plan.


As for the other thing: I think "the fundamentals of the economy are f*cked" would be a more accurate statement. But I can understand why public officials wouldn't say that (at least publicly).

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