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Wtc Once Again Tallest Building In America

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Why would building a mosque anywhere matter in any way?


That was called being facetious, but nevermind, a mosque has already been built nearby.


Throughout history Muslims have always built mosques near or on the sites of their conquests. The Umayyad mosque in Damascus was built on the site of Saint John Church...The Al Aqsa mosque was deliberately built near the Temple Mount, the holiest places in Judaism. .. Babri mosque in Ayodhya, India was built by demolishing a Hindu temple. Muslims built mosques on the sites of temples throughout India....it's what they do, it is their tradition after a conquest...and there are many many more examples.


Yet you liberals are so naive to believe that it was mere coincidence that muslims wanted a mosque near ground zero...and supported their cause in the name of "freedom of religion" and "religious persecution". "Religious persecution"? That is laughable. Persecute this assholes.


What more closely relates to religious persecution comes from our own liberal judges, who purposely misinterpret the First Amendment to serve the lefts radical agenda . There is no such thing as the "separation of church and state" by which liberals interpret or define it.


I cant prove it, but I am willing to bet anything that if the muslims were offered the very ground where the Towers once stood to build their mosque, they'd jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat...without regard or compassion for anybody that suffered and died that day.

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