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"anonymous" Hackers

The Cysko Kid

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The FBI is denying these claims.


Here's what they're saying...


Source: http://pastebin.com/nfVT7b0Z


"Now I know what a ghost is. Unfinished business, that's what."

― Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses



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Today's Menu:


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we share ideas sometimes through the voice of twitter.com/@AnonymousIRC

so then there is where to look for news.



So well, some of you know what we were at during these last long weeks, and

probably less people know we were also testing new stuff and shits for our next


so, whatever. Happy to bring this Special #FFF Edition to you (so special that's

even not on friday), again for the utterly lulz.



we have written our very honest statement here, ofc it was intended for those

who are truely interested on reading it, for those fellows who dont give a fuck

about ideology and who are just lurking for the candy, skip it and jump

directly to the candy and lulzy part titled: Candy and Lulzy part. we hope you

find it useful as well as funny. and for those who dont care about the whole

fucking shit... wtf r u doing here?? go and download a movie.


so here we go...




just a comment: we are still waiting for published news about the

$ 2 billions worth loans Assad has taken from Russia,

mentioned on the syrian mails

and also about the transfer of money to austrian banks etc....

and also cocks...

So, don't be lazy journos and look for them.





a few words.

"For when all else is done, on­ly words re­main. Words en­dure."




In July 2012 NSA's General Keith Alexander (alias the Bilderberg Biddy) spoke

at Defcon, the hacker conference in Las Vegas, wearing jeans and a cool EFF

t-shirt (LOL. Wtf was that?). He was trying to seduce hackers into improving

Internet security and colonoscopy systems, and to recruit them, ofc, for his

future cyberwars. It was an amusing hypocritical attempt made by the system to

flatter hackers into becoming tools for the state, while his so-righteous

employer hunts any who doesn't bow to them like fucking dogs.



We got the message.

We decided we'd help out Internet security by auditing FBI first. We all know

by now they make Internet insecure on purpose to help their bottom line. But

it's a shitty job, especially since they decided to hunt us down and jail our



It's the old double standard that has been around since the 80's. Govt Agencies

are obsessed with witchhunts against hackers worldwide, whilst they also

recruit hackers to carry out their own political agendas.


You are forbidden to outsmart the system, to defy it, to work around it. In

short, while you may hack for the status quo, you are forbidden to hack the

status quo. Just do what you're told. Don't worry about dirty geopolitical

games, that's business for the elite. They're the ones that give dancing orders

to our favorite general, Keith, while he happily puts on a ballet tutu. Just

dance along, hackers. Otherwise... well...


In 1989 hagbard (23yrs old) was murdered after being involved into cold war spy

games related to KGB and US. Tron, another hacker, was

murdered in 1998 (aged 26) after messing around with a myriad of cryptographic

stuff (yeah, it's usually a hot item) and after making cryptophon easily

accesible for the masses. And then you have Gareth Williams (31), the GCHQ

hacker murdered and "bagged" inside a MI6's "safe" house (we'd hate to see what

the unsafe ones look like) in August of 2010 after talking about being curious

about leaking something to Wikileaks with fellow hackers on irc. And the list

goes on. It's easy to cover up when they want to, hackers often have complex

personalities, so faking their suicide fits well.


You are welcome to hack what the system wants you to hack. If not, you will be



Jeremy Hammond faces the rest of his productive life in prison for being an

ideological motivated political dissident. He was twice jailed for following

his own beliefs. He worked until the end to uncover corruption and the

connivance between the state and big corporations. He denounces the abuses and

bribes of the US prison system, and he's again facing that abuse and torture at

the hands of authorities.


Last year, Bradley Manning was tortured after allegedly giving WikiLeaks

confidential data belonging to US govt... oh shit. The world shouldn't know how

some soldiers enjoy killing people and even less when they kill journalists. Of

course, the common housewife doesn't deserve to know the truth about the

hypocrisy in the international diplomacy or how world dictators spend money in

luxury whilst their own people starve. Yep, the truth belongs only to the

elite, and if you are not part of them (forget it, that won't happen), fuck



People are frustrated, they feel the system manipulating them more than ever.

Never underestimate the power of frustrated people.

For the last few years we have broke into systems belonging to Governments and

Big corporations just to find out they are spending millions of tax dollars to

spy on their citizens. They work to discredit dissenting voices. They pay their

friends for overpriced and insecure networks and services.


We showed how former govt and military officials were making new businesses

using their government relationships.

They funnel public money to their own interests for overpriced contracts for

crap level services. They use those

relationships to extra-officially resolve affairs involving their businesses.


We exposed a criminal System eliminating those who think different;

criminalizing them. This System won't tolerate those who dig for the truth, it

can't. So no one has the right to question anything coming from this system. if

you buy a piece of hardware or software you just need to use it as it was

supposed to be used: anything else is forbidden.

No tinkering allowed.


If you buy a Playstation, you are not allowed to use it as you want to -- you

can only use it the Sony wants you to. If you have found a way to improve

something, just shut up. You are not allowed to share this info with anyone

else and let them make improvements, too. We are not the real owners of

anything anymore. We just borrow things from the System. Shiny, colorful

things, we agree to play with for a fee. A fee for life.

Because this system works only if you keep working to buy new things.

Not important if they are good things, just buy new crap, even better like that.

So everything gets outdated soon.



You home, stuff, car and computer, you will pay for everything you have for all

of your life. All the time: a monthly fee, forever until you die. That's the

future; nothing is really yours. LAAS - Life As A Service.

You will rent your life.


And better hurry up and work all day if you want to stay alive. Work 'til

you're exhausted and don't think. No -- thinking is bad. Play games instead, do

drugs too, why not? Or go to the movies. The Entertainment Industry is here to

resolve all your philosophical and trascendental problems. Shiny colorful crap.

but please don't think too much.

Thinking is dangerous.


Accept the offer, it's the perfect deal.

You get all those amazing shiny colorful beads.

It will only cost you freedom...and your life.

Indians did it with Manhattan.

There's nothing to worry about it, is there?



And what if you are a lone wolf who quietly outside the system, doing your own

thing, without saying a word? They will be mad as hell. They will try to find

you. You will be fucked up anyway, sooner or later. Because the system wants

you clearly identified, with all your personal details well packed into a

government database so it can make its watchdogs' lives easier.


Security researchers are often questioned and their movements tracked by Secret

Service, FBI and other shits. They are asked about their projects, who their

clients are, who they are talking to, what they know about other hackers, etc..

So be a good monkey, follow the rules, head down and you'll get some coins

that let you keep renting your life.


But hey! Wait...

We are hackers...

We are supposed to look beyond the rules, to find things others don't see. And

THE SYSTEM, yeah the whole fucking system, it's just another system.

...and we do that.

we hack systems.


This is our next challenge: to decide whether to become tools for the system,

or for ourselves. The system plans to use us to hold the next in their endless

wars, their cyberwars.

Hackers vs. hackers, slaves vs slaves.


We are trapped.


Jack Henry Abbott, a writer who was incarcerated almost his whole life for his

crimes, wrote before hanging himself: "As long as I am nothing but a ghost of

the civil dead, I can do nothing…", the 'civil dead' are those, like himself,

who had their autonomy systematically destroyed by the state. Now his words

extend to cover all of us. We have seen our own autonomy being systematically

destroyed by the State. We are becoming ghosts of our dead civil rights.



So yes we are criminals, we are the criminals our dear system have created:

Argumentum ad Baculum


In a world where you fear the words you use to express yourself. Where you are

punished for choosing the wrong ones, we have just decided to follow our own

way. There's no worst kind of slavery than one where you are afraid of your own



Governments around the globe are already in control of us in real life, and

they have now declared war on the people to take over the Internet.

It's happening now. It's not waiting for you to wake up.

So now my dear friends, it's your turn to decide where you belong,

and what you are made of.




"When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government

fears the people there is liberty."

― Thomas Jefferson








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CANDY! CANDY! CANDY!...............candy.



Download links:













first check the file MD5:



(lol yes, a "1337" there for the lulz, God is in the detail)


then decrypt the file using openssl:

openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in file.txt -out decryptedfile.tar.gz


password is:



then uncompress:

tar -xvzf decryptedfile.tar.gz


and then check file integrity using the MD5 included in the password u used to

decrypt before:


^ yeah that one.


if everything looks fine

then perhaps it is.


enjoy it!


there you have. 1,000,001 Apple Devices UDIDs linking to their users and their

APNS tokens.

the original file contained around 12,000,000 devices. we decided a million would be

enough to release.

we trimmed out other personal data as, full names, cell numbers, addresses,

zipcodes, etc.

not all devices have the same amount of personal data linked. some devices

contained lot of info.

others no more than zipcodes or almost anything. we left those main columns we

consider enough to help a significant amount of users to look if their devices

are listed there or not. the DevTokens are included for those mobile hackers

who could figure out some use from the dataset.



file contains details to identify Apple devices.

ordered by:


Apple Device UDID, Apple Push Notification Service DevToken, Device Name,

Device Type.




We never liked the concept of UDIDs since the beginning indeed.

Really bad decision from Apple.

fishy thingie.



so the big question:

why exposing this personal data?

well we have learnt it seems quite clear nobody pays attention if you just come

and say 'hey, FBI is using your device details and info and who the fuck knows

what the hell are they experimenting with that', well sorry, but nobody will care.

FBI will, as usual, deny or ignore this uncomfortable thingie and everybody will

forget the whole thing at amazing speed. so next option, we could have released

mail and a very small extract of the data. some people would eventually pick up

the issue but well, lets be honest, that will be ephemeral too.

So without even being sure if the current choice will guarantee that people

will pay attention to this fucking shouted


SHIT' well at least it seems our best bet, and even in this

case we will probably see their damage control teams going hard lobbying media

with bullshits to discredit this, but well, whatever, at least we tried and

eventually, looking at the massive number of devices concerned, someone should

care about it. Also we think it's the right moment to release this knowing that

Apple is looking for alternatives for those UDID currently and since a while

blocked axx to it, but well, in this case it's too late for those concerned

owners on the list. we always thought it was a really bad idea. that hardware

coded IDs for devices concept should be erradicated from any device on the

market in the future.


so now candy was delivered.

few words, and just a few, about how the shit came. we don't like too much

about disclosing this part, we understood it would be needed, so, fuck

whatever. lost asset. Hope it serves for something.



During the second week of March 2012, a Dell Vostro notebook, used by

Supervisor Special Agent Christopher K. Stangl from FBI Regional Cyber Action

Team and New York FBI Office Evidence Response Team was breached using the

AtomicReferenceArray vulnerability on Java, during the shell session some files

were downloaded from his Desktop folder one of them with the name of

"NCFTA_iOS_devices_intel.csv" turned to be a list of 12,367,232 Apple iOS

devices including Unique Device Identifiers (UDID), user names, name of device,

type of device, Apple Push Notification Service tokens, zipcodes, cellphone

numbers, addresses, etc. the personal details fields referring to people

appears many times empty leaving the whole list incompleted on many parts. no

other file on the same folder makes mention about this list or its purpose.









to journalists: no more interviews to anyone till Adrian Chen get featured in

the front page of Gawker, a whole day, with a huge picture of him dressing a

ballet tutu and shoe on the head, no photoshop. yeah, man. like Keith

Alexander. go, go, go.

(and there you ll get your desired pageviews number too) Until that happens,

this whole statement will be the only thing getting out

directly from us. So no tutu, no sources.


Our support to Wikileaks and Julian Assange.


respect to Tunisian and Egyptian people, keep the good fight. Dont accept new

oppressors in the place of the old ones.


To Syrian rebels: If Assad wins he will exterminate all of you till the very

last one, so better go and kill the motherfucker and his

bunch of suckers for once.


Support to Pussy Riot: Hang in there, babes! Resistance forever.



we r sorry mike about what happened to you and princess.

we didnt want to bring you in troubles with the feds

and we ve heard about the reasons leading you to have spoken out to them,

it's sad you ve just hanged around couple of weeks with us

(we vagely understood u felt misplaced),

but looking back to some events, at the end, it was also a good choice for


hope u finish understanding it's not about the things we think we have seen.

its always about those things we dont see.

theres always another behind behind the behind.


Greetings to all other groups struggling on their daily fight.

Remember that fights between us it's what our adversaries are looking for.

Now this is your time.



"This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those

alone who conquer them each day anew."



LulzSec, AntiSec, LulzXmas series, ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US,

MegaCockLulzFestival, "I'm 12 and wat iz diz?", CIA Tango Down,

#FuckFBIFriday, #StratforHasTheButtInFlames, #BlueHairedAaronBarr,

#WestboroChurchLovesEatingCocks, White Hats Can't Jump, "Keith Alexander

dressing an exhuberant ballet tutu" image and others are all trademarks of

Anonymous Inc. and well...all the people in general...



Romney aber, sag's ihm, er kann mich im Arsche lecken!


Disclaimer: We like beer and the use of manipulated bacterial ADN to transmit

encrypted data.





well that's all now we can move on and go to sleep.

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Thanks for the garbage ...



Why immediately call it garbage? Both sides are accusing the other of lying. I have no reason to trust either one. I don't own any apple products (because they're for hipsters and the computer illiterate), but if I did, I'd be downloading the files that they linked and checking for my apple product's userID.


You can do that here:



The latest rumor is that among these 1 million leaked is Obama's iPad. Probably not, but who knows.


Anyways, would it really shock you if the FBI did something like this? For me, the answer is no. I have no idea who to trust in this situation, so I'll withhold judgment until I start hearing a bunch of people claiming their UDID's have been compromised. This could be something big or nothing at all.


edit: Also, it's funny that cal +1'd your post seeing as the rhetoric I quoted sounds like something cal would say.

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You are now being watched carefully Vapor and Woody. We can see you through your television and computer screen. We hear you talk. We follow you through your sim card. Watch your behavior.


And most of this is true. That's the downside of all the technology available now. You can be traced just about anywhere if you carry a cell/smart phone, use your credit/debit card, etc.

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You are now being watched carefully Vapor and Woody. We can see you through your television and computer screen. We hear you talk. We follow you through your sim card. Watch your behavior.


And most of this is true. That's the downside of all the technology available now. You can be traced just about anywhere if you carry a cell/smart phone, use your credit/debit card, etc.


I don't doubt that at all, and at the moment, I really have no choice but to embrace it. I put up a bunch of identifying info on facebook, so that's already out there, forever. And it'd be silly of me to think that this isn't also happening on droid or windows devices.



It was great, especially the meaningless symbols.

I only wish it could have been longer.


The formatting didn't carry over. Let me see if I can fix it. /edit And it's fixed.

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lol. Some hacker is claiming that he has a collection of Romney's 1040's.


Source: http://pastebin.com/zdU1TK40


PWC Office @ 830 Crescent Centre Drive, Suite 260, Franklin, TN 37067

Telephone: [1] (615) 503-2860


Romney's 1040 tax returns were taken from the PWC office 8/25/2012 by gaining access to the third floor via a gentleman working on the 3rd floor of the building. Once on the 3rd floor, the team moved down the stairs to the 2nd floor and setup shop in an empty office room. During the night, suite 260 was entered, and all available 1040 tax forms for Romney were copied. A package was sent to the PWC on suite 260 with a flash drive containing a copy of the 1040 files, plus copies were sent to the Democratic office in the county and copies were sent to the GOP office in the county at the beginning of the week also containing flash drives with copies of Romney's tax returns before 2010. A scanned signature image for Mitt Romney from the 1040 forms were scanned and included with the packages, taken from earlier 1040 tax forms gathered and stored on the flash drives.


The group will release all available files to the public on the 28 of September, 2012



This line is on all the package letters for authenticity of the email being sent.


all these considerations did not deter me from the path of duty


Later, another release was made demanding ransom to release or destroy the information.


Source: http://pastebin.com/1j1yzQ9S


Dear PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Using your Office @ 830 Crescent Centre Drive, Suite 260, Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: [1] (615) 503-2860 we were able to gain access to your network file servers and copy over the tax documents for one Willard M Romney and Ann D Romney. We are sure that once you figure out where the security breach was, some people will probably get fired but that is not our concern.


All major news media outlets are going to be sent an encrypted copy of the most recent tax years that your company had on file since you did not have them all in a convenient electronic form. The years before 2010 will be of great interest to many. If the parties interested do not want the encrypted key released to the public to unlock these documents on September 28 of this year then payment will be necessary.


The deal is quite simple. Convert $1,000,000 USD to Bitcoins (Google if if you need a lesson on what Bitcoin is) using the various markets available out in the world for buying. Transfer the Bitcoins gathered to the Bitcoin address listed below. It does not matter if small amounts or one large amount is transferred, as long as the final value of the Bitcoins is equal to $1,000,000 USD at the time when it is finished. The keys to unlock the data will be purged and what ever is inside the documents will remain a secret forever.


Failure to do this before September 28, the entire world will be allowed to view the documents with a publicly released key to unlock everything.


Bitcoin Address to Stop Release:



And the same time, the other interested parties will be allowed to compete with you. For those that DO want the documents released will have an different address to send to. If $1,000,000 USD is sent to this account below first; then the encryption keys will be made available to the world right away. So this is an equal opportunity for the documents to remain locked away forever or to be exposed before the September 28 deadline.


Who-ever is the winner does not matter to us.


Bitcoin Address to Promote Full Release:







Reference to avoid Fakes that only you will have.

1.all these considerations did not deter me from the path of duty

2.he moment I understood the will of my Heavenly Father


Those last two phrases are from the Book of Mormon, apparently. Some rumors are claiming that this second message was posted by someone else in an attempt to cash in on the situation. Anyways, this is hilarious and is going to be my most entertaining story of the week.


The whole thing reeks of bullshit to me, but wouldn't it be funny if someone on either side actually paid the ransom?

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