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Glenn Beck and Nazis


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Here's that Harris poll again:


So if I were polled (but then I'm a registered Democrat) I'd respond with C [Don't know of Dont Care] to some but...


- 67 percent of Republicans believe that Obama is a socialist.


Yeah. Though I don't think it's as evil as some I'd bet he'd prefer a Social Democrat system more akin to Europeans and Scandinavians. Like fellow Democrat nee Socialist Bernie Sanders.

- 57 percent of Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim.

I figure he was when he was a little kid. As much as I was Catholic when I went to St Johns K and 1. And my father wasn't even Catholic.

- 45 percent of Republicans believe that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president."


- 38 percent of Republicans say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did."

He did but so what? Stupid question. No he never massacred anyone nor did he march into Poland.

He did consolidate power through sociliatic proposals and scapegoating a segment of society as the ones responsible for economic hardship. Right?

- 24 percent of Republicans say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."

May be? That's a great question isn't it?




If this is a fringe, it's a pretty big fringe. That's a majority that don't even know simple facts. It's close to a majority "birther" party.



Big fringe?

How many of those polled described themselves as Republicans?

Usually it's around 20% or so.


So 28% 0f 20%.....


So do you wonder where the similar poll is for liberals?

You know, Bush is Hitler, Cheney is Goerring the Bush's had a hand in 9/11...


Where's that fair and balanced poll?



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Cal: I posted a great article about socialism coming to ... you know, KITTY WERTHMANN...


did you libs read the article? No commentsies?


No comment at all? You just ignore the whole deal AGAIN, so you can keep


being pouty about nasty comparisons to what the Obamao regime is doing, what direction we are being taken




Heck: What article? I don't see no stinking article about Kitty Werthmann ! I can't see that article at all !




That's about the fourth time you've posted it. Okay, maybe just the second, but still, we don't need to read it again.

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That's about the fourth time you've posted it. Okay, maybe just the second, but still, we don't need to read it again. Vapor




Well, fergive me if I missed it, but I don't think you commented on it once.



And Heck definately didn't, so I referred to him monkeying around and never seeing




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I'm just curious... Why ask this question?



I have a friend who's a left wing guy who tole me he couldn't vote for Ken Blackwell, since the religion he was part of supposedly states that only Christians (not Jews like my friend) could go to heaven.

"So do you believe in Heaven?"

"Of course not."

"Then who cares?"


If you're an atheist and thinks there is no such thing as an antichrist OR you think Obama isn't up to it, you answer no.

(Personally I'd be disappointed if there actually were an antichrist and this empty suit was the best we have to offer :lol: )


If you think there MIGHT be an antichrist then who knows.

The question says MIGHT.

So what?


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Holy shit. I just came back in here to find that this discussion is not why the answers to those Harris poll questions are somewhat frightening and show a sizable fringe movement within the Republican Party, but why those fringe beliefs are entirely reasonable.


You know else Obama is like Hitler? They both had motorcades!


A new low.


You jackasses can have the "Hitler-esque or antichrist?" discussion on your own.


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Alas, poor Johnny, you'd be tossed in the scraggly lot of us all,


who gots plenty of real values, but gets plenty of hell fer


speakin the truth to Captin' of the world, Mr. Heckly Jellybean, himself.


"ar-r-r-r-r-r, matey."

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Maybe the polls are striking to close to home. There just might be some truth to the fact that Obama is the Anti-Christ and practices fascist Hitler like policies.





And Heck supports this creep beyong all ends.

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Heck translation:


"A pox on you all, you have decried and dismissed my creeds and policies which I hath


set forth for this country, and the world"








I must say, dear friends, for who would save us, if not "The Scarlet Pimpernel" (John)


gar-r-r-r. LOL



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John, of course not. Of course I don't. And I also can't rationalize spending a second of my day listening to the arguments for and against the existence of the antichrist, or the case for why thinking President Obama may be the antichrist is entirely rational.


...I've already typed to much. Have fun, fellas.

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Uh, yeah.


(Backing away slowly. Maintaining eye contact.)



So everybody who is a Christian - and, by definition, believes in the Anti Christ - is a lunatic, Heck?


If I thought you were really interested - mostly you seem to have an inquisitive mind - I'd spend a little time on this. Reading The Bible, however, would be a prerequesite. Kind of like wanting to understand quantum physics without reading the fundamentals and knowing what gravity is.


Hopefully you learn before it's too late.


Some people believe Jesus died for our sins.

You've said they're, well, screwy.

But they get pass if they're on the left.




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Uh, yeah.


(Backing away slowly. Maintaining eye contact.)



So everybody who is a Christian - and, by definition, believes in the Anti Christ - is a lunatic, Heck?


If I thought you were really interested - mostly you seem to have an inquisitive mind - I'd spend a little time on this. Reading The Bible, however, would be a prerequesite. Kind of like wanting to understand quantum physics without reading the fundamentals and knowing what gravity is.


Hopefully you learn before it's too late.


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Is Obammy playing with a full deck?



Has anyone seen his grades? .....


Did he pass his bar exam?


His only accomplishments that we know of by far are that he is a community organizer and he was a law clerk and rarely ever voted while in the senate.


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Well, for my own personal amusement, let's here the case that Barack Obama might be the antichrist. Heck




Mr. Jellybean must really be upset at John's simple question.



"Let's HERE..." ROF,L !



Look "here", the word you wanted to use, Mr. Know-it-all, is "hear".


Please read a book, it will help you with your grammar.


Please try to not "here" with your ear, just HEAR this,


you could learn a lot from all the rest of us HERE.


Ha ha.

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