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Alan Colmes leaves "Hannity and Colmes"


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It's out on the Drudge Report.


Odd, he's stepping down AFTER Obama wins, and AFTER the heat will be on to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine",


which is just a backasswards name for "Liberal Intimidating Conservative Free Speech"


I beleive someone told him to go, that way they can say that Hannity is not fair and balanced.......


Just a hunch, really.

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Go figure, they want to set a presedence to move forward with there propaganda, this way the liberallefties can take complete control over the news media. i couldn't stand Colmes anyways he looked like he was going to slobber all over the set anyways once Borat got elected.
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Let's not overstate it, T.


Let's just say that the left does NOT like effective opposition, and some seek to limit the oppostion's effectiveness for their own gain.

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