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Browns fan 1977

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  1. I think that is why they are playing Chubb less and the others more so they can get some value in trades, Should be a busy off season and decent FA
  2. If I don't like someone I just block or ignore them yet some how i still see what you post, then again I don't block people because once I turn off the pc they all go away,
  3. But to clear things up what do you bring to the table besides crying about what someone else posts?
  4. I always get bitchy on here I don't blame them but being a cry baby makes me feel better
  5. Once again seems Browns only play 1 half of football smh no tackles horrible effort
  6. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F7N-dCmSFgo0%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR06grw0KdrzzK2tzwKlwNrY3T_b8ugMHyqnSAITT0LD3j48cef1qCd2ZfA&h=AT0g1xu92eOmIbRikXj696u11RqzQpbwBItojunjGrh7AeAli_vEettkZOZ_PomwsAflgrGBpJnPqKv_fhCOdIeI0LXs_QEbmhyvA5mkY2OiGaEovdt4jBf_EO0TKjRQJuWvPQ
  7. The Raid UHS game was the worse play calling there was.
  8. Whoever they get to replace him will have to put up with Jim D bullshit and like getting yelled at all the time, Many people refused to work with Jim D
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