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  1. I stand corrected. It's two guys I work with through the VA who had their loans discharged but not through PSLF or an IDR plan. Not sure if that had any bearing on it or they just legitimately are tax tards.
  2. "I had it before he stole it from me, your honor!"
  3. https://ny.eater.com/2021/10/12/22722297/nyc-business-vaccine-mandate-violations-fines I like how it's painted now like everyone was voluntarily going along with it and it wasn't the government using a monopoly on violence to force them to pay fines or else.
  4. Ccjwh grabbed my pecker at the Best Buy. Open and shut case. I don't think Trump is a good guy per say but that whole thing was horse shit.
  5. Fun fact: I know two people who had their loans forgiven. It gets treated as if you suddenly got that amount of money as income in the eyes of the IRS haha. So instead of owing Mohela, the IRS gets to spread your asscheeks to the tune of whatever tax bracket for that year that your forgiven loans pushes you into. It's sold as financial freedom but really a cashier is now making 150k according to the IRS.
  6. I've been there and those protesters are giant dickheads for doing that on the Holocaust memorial day at Auschwitz. I've been to it and it's heavy as hell when you are in there. Protesting people sobbing in there does exactly nothing other than making the people in there more upset or hardening them against their cause.
  7. I don't think they can be personable enough to win anything but they can swing money around if they got it. George Soros is a goblin but he is a rich goblin.
  8. If these kids doing performative activism realized how the game is played, they would start a lobby and use mommy and daddy’s money to start buying politicians. They are all for sale.
  9. That’s just performative activism. Wait till a felon gets smoked by a cop between now and the election. The Ukrainian and Palestinian flags will go in a closet and white chicks will have BLM on their foreheads. It’s a big joke.
  10. Bear in mind, you can find retards everywhere. When I did work for FEMA, families would have elderly family members and still refuse to evacuate even with help. They would aggressively tell you to leave then the water rises and grandma drowns during a way more dangerous evacuation. Completely preventable. Obviously it’s not apples to apples but I wouldn’t use some idiot as a metric for the opinions of most Gazans. Different note: If I got shot at the mall because of Obama calling in drone strikes on a civilian target, I would hope people wouldn’t go “well the majority of people voted for him so Logic had what was coming to him at the Auntie Anne’s”. Also, their elections are probably a sham and it’s not like you would live too long if you did make a fuss about Hamas stuffing ballots. That said, it doesn’t mean the IDF shouldn’t move forward in trying to wipe out Hamas. It does mean that there shouldn’t be some move by parts of the media to try to dehumanize people in a shitty situation. A 6 year old being buried under rubble is fucked. That doesn’t mean the brakes will be pumped on trying to weed out Hamas.
  11. Yeah I don’t love what will essentially be a nuclear armed Wahhabi led government in Saudi Arabia. If they didn’t have the oil, they would be riding camels and be some forgotten backwater middle eastern country. But they do have oil and they can flex that power internationally. It’s not even that we need it (we could be energy independent) so much as we don’t want China getting it and having a buddy deal with the Saudis.
  12. I think Israel will get by. They are a first world country with a first world economy. They are still an ally so if say Iran directly sends troops (they won’t after getting their hand smacked), we would respond. The only reason the US is slowing or halting arms is because they just cut a defense deal with Saudi Arabia. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-saudi-arabia-nearing-agreement-security-pact-sources-say-2024-05-02/
  13. I also don’t think the folks behind this legislation understand the internet or how trolls work. The second you tell people that you want special treatment, circumventing the 1st Amendment, autists will work furiously to test the bounds of that law.
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