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hoorta last won the day on December 12 2023

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  1. Hammer- I've said a bunch of times, I don't understand Biden's pretzel logic how he can be a "Good Catholic" and support abortion at the same time. How many times do I have to post here- I'm pro life? That said-there's several dioceses whose Bishops refuse to distribute communion to him. Maybe you didn't know that I happen to be a Eucharistic Minister. My dictate is- if anyone shows up and asks- I'm not to refuse them. OTOH, there's others here who support a tax cheat, serial adulterer, and convicted rapist- and think he's a swell guy.
  2. Talking about yourself, I see. EDT: and maybe I should follow up. You Beloved Orange Messiah doesn't say much that's truthful or even factual... But he did say one thing that I 100% completely agree with- "I love the poorly educated".... Hmmm? You just LOVE hiding behind Steve's skirts because you damn well know you can insult away. Let me clue you in loser- having a Doctorate in Insult-ology doesn't impress me much. LOL, I'm rubber, you're glue anything you say bonces off me and sticks to you....How's that for a grade school taunt? If I didn't have to stay a bit above the fray because of my (now) pseudo Moderator status- I'd rip your sorry ass into shreds, without having to try very hard. Yep, the Right Wing Political Garbage Dump- populated by the poorly educated- and most of the "Educated" ones- with a couple of exceptions- belong in a mental facility.
  3. Ya know why I don't bother wasting my time? Steve lets you act like a bunch of unmoderated juvenile jackasses- that's why. I've gotten tired of the pure horseshit emanating from several posters- they obviously never learned how to grow up and act respectful of opposing opinions. And in response to FY- odor? Sort of like Trump's diaper? That's what this Forum has degenerated into- a pile of right wing echo chamber circle jerk conspiracy- and any dissonance in that isn't welcome- resulting in a barrage of insults and name calling. Yeah, I learned that a long time ago, why I've been gone for months. My mental health is much better now not having to deal with a bunch of nut jobs who populate this Forum.
  4. Really? Amazing you could tell the difference, considering this particular Forum stinks like a garbage dump or sewage reclamation facility. 🤣 Conspiracy away...
  5. Nice spin there Kristi.. Seems you now want to put that dog up on the level of a human attacking Pit Bull. I suppose you classify your chickens as "livestock". Yeah, and what about that goat? Or (allegedly) horses? Guess bullets are cheaper than vet bills or professional dog training- which you couldn't be bothered with. I'll put it to you real simple Hammer... That dog won't hunt- so I shot it. Well Kristi, you just shot your VP aspirations in the foot.
  6. Just poked my nose in the cesspool for a second. I'm sure the MAGAs will find some way in their twisted logic to justify killing your dog. FWIW, in my earlier years (like Noem) I shot a few pheasants in my day, and I know a little about bird dogs. OMG, the dog killed a chicken and tried to bite her... Hmmm... was she abusive to said dog? Have to wonder. MHO is that was incredibly callous and uncalled for, that dog could have been turned over to a shelter. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/animal-shelter-kristi-noem-untrainable-dog_n_66314f09e4b0c558f74208e4 Finally, even old DJT isn't so out of it to not realize Kristi just torpedoed any chance she might have had of being his VP candidate. Election kryptonite. PETA and the ASPCA will make sure everyone in America knows about her attitude towards animals.
  7. hoorta


    Same old crap huh Gorka? Yeah, all those Grand Juries were out to get poor old Dementia Donnie- and BTW, his dementia is getting more and more obvious by the month. Sexual predator, tax cheat, insurrectionist, stolen classified documents- yeah it's all Uncle Same out the "get" him. maybe if he didn't do any of that crap, there wouldn't be any need for the Government to go after him... Ever consider that? The first of many trials begins tomorrow- I'll whip up a big batch of popcorn for the occasion. It's easily going to top the OJ trial in press coverage. Can't wait until Stormy tell tells world in detail about Trumpie's tiny mushroom. 🤣 Enjoy your alternate reality FY- I really don't need to waste my time reviewing the crap that gets spewed here anymore. Got better things to do with my life. May as well rename this forum QAnon Commentary.
  8. hoorta


    Hi Tom... Gee, you came over to the cesspool because of the Watson crap on the other board? Call me not surprised. Just decided to drop by for a minute. I checked, my last post was February 26th. If you wonder why I'm pretty much DONE with this board, just look around. Honestly, I don't miss it at all anymore. I'm damn tired of the persona attacks and insults. The kiddies really need to grow f**ck up- and of course, they never will- unless someone by the name of Steve tells them to- and he's not going to do that. If The Browns Board folded tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear. MY POV, It's outlived it's usefulness. This board has been destroyed by letting whackos run amok with zero consequences. Doesn't have to be this way- plenty of YouTube political forums where their Moderators don't tolerate this bullshit. It rapidly gets deleted. So the Romper Room bullshit and a specific nut job migrated over to the Browns forum. ? (never left really) I'll give you a call sometime soon Tom, good luck.
  9. & there you have it Steve- go ahead and stick up for your right wing delusional pals. FWIW, unless you don't agree with the right wing echo chamber- we're disturbing the serenity of your conspiracies- injecting some reality into the equation. There's plenty of crap that you let slide here that wouldn't be tolerated on any other Forum that I'm aware of. Oh, town drunk? You're really no better than Cal in that regard.
  10. Wonder why I haven't been around? Read on... He takes after his Mango Messiah- insult anyone who doesn't agree with him... My bet is he's going to wind up in a Dementia unit before I die from liver failure. Because he happens to have a VERY valid point- I'd suggest you look in a mirror. If you want to talk about shit posting that isn't worth my time reading anymore, and certainly not worth my time responding to... Well Steve, I'll give you my POV- mjp (who happens to be a lot more diplomatic than I am) started this thread. It devolved rapidly into the usual. Aw, the MAGA butthurt is showing. You got a certified whacko here (and I don't have to name him) that should have been permabanned years ago. Gee, I guess you must really like his continual juvenile name calling and conspiracy crap. FWIW, this Forum currently stinks like a fully loaded Trump Depends. Yeah, I see plenty of other YouTube stuff- and unfortunately, the brainwashed Trump jackwagons who are still chugging the Kool-Aid daily there either get put in their place, or relegated to the troll farm. I may be back in a week- or month or two- you've personally ruined any enjoyment I may get out of posting here by letting your inmates run amok in the asylum.
  11. ROTF, LMAO!!! are you off your meds tonight Cal? SERIOUSLY. You insulting piece of delusional waste of my time. Gee, looks like I triggered you bad!!!! Following in the footsteps of your demented Orange Messiah, who's been going off the rails recently, throwing a few dozen posts on Truth Social in the middle of then night. Just go back to your basement and survey the latest on The Blaze, NewsMax, Brietbart, OAN, Patriot Alerts, (and others) to dig up the latest conspiracy to post something new here, so you can talk to yourself, (with no responses) to show how lonely you are and craving for attention... Get a life already, and really- get a better grip on reality. Got your order in for those Air Trumps? Right after Trump Air, Trump Vodka, Trump University. and a few others.. The grift continues... He's found his niche in life alright- shoe salesman. Those folks in Philly weren't part of the usual Cult following- and they were cheering him alright- giving him the Bronx cheer.. Including a few F yous. Too bad I can't find the appropriate clip..
  12. Maybe it's time for you to grow the fuck up Cal, I know you won't- you're a lost cause. All you have is conspiracies and insults. Go back to your delusional rabbit hole. Regarding real estate... There's a slight difference between $18 million and the $2.7 BILLION Trumpie claims MAGA Retardo is worth- FYI- and his- it isn't worth anywhere close to that. THAT (and other ridiculously inflated values) is what got Orangie in legal hot water. Of course you'd rather believe what a pathological liar is spouting.
  13. You can probably add The Blaze to that, and possibly OAN. I did click on the link and see Cal's Blaze quote is hiding behind a paywall... Wonder if he's contributing to Cheeto's defense fund too. 😄 I just dropped by for a minute to see how the Cult was reacting to Orangie's latest fiscal debacle. Just the usual- conspiracy, 1\2 facts, and juvenile personal insults... Geez, you act exactly like your immature Mango Messiah Cal... Arrested development... But it's more like mental instability. .
  14. Preferable to spending the rest of his life rotting in prison.... Considering his track record of losing, he's heading in that general direction. Stop swigging the Kool-Ade Nickers. All of Putin's opposition winds up dead. Navalny just the latest of a dozen or so. Trump essentially came out and said he'd give his pal Vlad the green light to attack a NATO country if they didn't pay up. Nice way for Demented Donnie to start WW III. Ironic- coming from a failed businessman who's stiffed contractors by the dozens. When the crackpot wannabe dictator starts spouting stuff like that- you had better believe him. Face it, vote for him- you're getting a guy who admires guys like Putin, Orban, Kim Jong, and Xi. BTW, I'm not a big fan of Kamala either. There's better Democrats out there like Hakeem Jeffries and Jamie Raskin.
  15. And a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Remember that. BTW, I pretty much give up drinking for Lent, maybe you guys should lay off the Kool-Aid and get back to reality.
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