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MLD Woody

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Or The Donald just isn't that smart....but he graduated from Wharton, hmmmmm. (I've wondered what that cost him? More than my MBA, I would guarantee you that. ;) )


But comedians all over the world have to be loving The Donald & Company and his tweets, just saying.

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I think the Donald is smarter then you think. He is a Billionaire, and was elected President of the United States.

I liked him when he wrote "The Art of the Deal" in 1987.

Wharton is a tough business school where he got his BS in Economics.

I even liked the early Apprentice shows before they got washed up movie stars and others.

And he got millions to start out in business and he also screwed a lot of small businessmen.


But what I've seen in the campaign and since at 1600 Pennsylvania I'm not as impressed with his political skills but in fairness he's obviously not a conventional politican.


I hope his domestic policies on personal taxes, regulations, infrastructure and business taxes go well along with most all of his foreign agenda including repatriation of US companies $trillions back to the states.


And Hillary blew it. Plus Melania is hot. So there you go. ;)

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Gotta love the internet. We've got SJWs that hate everything Trump does. We've got 4chan/Reddit Trump fanboys that praise everything their troll king does.


And we have guys like this that are just along for the ride



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I looked up the definition and it means literally 'fucked up people going crazy over typographical error.' The form of psychosis is found primarily, but not exclusive to, the Democrat party, and can be treated with Thorazine.


A typographical error is missing a key not a whole word but the late night writers and others are very grateful.

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Which one of us here has never been fucked over by their phone while typing. If I don't proof this and just hit send there'd be some covfefe shit in there.

Also the guy is the president. He should probably proofread his tweets.

Proofread or having a checker is not his style, never really has been.....but not a bad idea.

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Proofread or having a checker is not his style, never really has been.....but not a bad idea.

Mine either. I consider myself an intelligent human being and I speak very well but sometimes the speech to text fucks with me. And yes the late night writers are ecstatic because they have some stupid unfunny shit that morons will laugh at.



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get OUT of the paris accord. It's just another way of the rest of the world taking

advantage of us...and our good intentions.




we can clean up our environment without joining the rest of the world in being manipulated by

so many countries that want our money. and our research. and trade deals that benefit THEM, not so

much us.


With our huge debt, it's time to back up. And China and India will thumb their nose at what their objectives

would be.


They are frantic to keep us in their stupid treaty because...they want OUR MONEY. That's right.

Our contributions. As one of the most dynamic richest countries on earth....THEY WANT OUR MONEY.

and, again, it is all about UN REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.


We're in huge debt. Let us do the right things at home, let us pay for our own improvements.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Agreement Nationally determined contributions and their limits

The contribution that each individual country should make in order to achieve the worldwide goal are determined by all countries individually and called "nationally determined contributions" (NDCs).[13] Article 3 requires them to be "ambitious", "represent a progression over time" and set "with the view to achieving the purpose of this Agreement". The contributions should be reported every five years and are to be registered by the UNFCCC Secretariat.[14] Each further ambition should be more ambitious than the previous one, known as the principle of 'progression'.[15] Countries can cooperate and pool their nationally determined contributions. The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions pledged during the 2015 Climate Change Conference serve—unless provided otherwise—as the initial Nationally determined contribution.

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I think we should remove all our troops from Germany as well. Let Mercel foot the bill for her Muslim over ran country.

Offhand, I agree with you. But I wonder if that would invite russian troops amassing on the German

border if we weren't there....


to take east germany back. You never know anymore. obaMao let the whole world fall apart, like Bengazi.

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Then do us a favor and expound on why you're outraged.


If you think I'm outraged than you're even further off than he is


Though it is typical Steve to say everyone is "screaming" "hyperventilating" and "outraged"...

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I've misspelled "Covfefe" in all 57 states.

Maybe he was trying to spell Corvette? :huh:

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Gee I don't know how many of the same post did you put up in a row answering yourself?


1) I never asked any questions

2) you can't embed too many things in one post, or they'll stop showing up. I needed to break that up.

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