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Jupiter Ascending


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OK- the trailers when I saw the Hobbit movie got a SiFy buff like me interested enough to go see it. Doubly, when I found out Sean Bean (Boromir in LOTR) was in it.


the Wachowskis tried to outdo the Matrix in special effects- to (at least to my sensibilities) could you please tone it down a notch? The plot is a little hard to follow.


WARNING- Spoiler-


Jupiter- yeah that's her name- (her dad was an astronomy buff) finds out the earth was actually populated by an alien race of humanoids around 100,000 years ago, and she just happens to be an exact DNA match of one of the alien race's queens of a few millennia ago- which also happens to make her the queen of the earth. But she doesn't have sole title- and a couple of the other co-heirs happen to want her dead. Mostly because they want to "harvest" the earth- shades of a plot borrow from Soylent Green- we can have virtual immortality if we suck the life out of the people we harvest.


So if you're a gamer that likes F\X over story, you're going to like the movie a lot more than I did. Fandango gave it a 3 1\2 out of 5, and that's where I'd put it too.

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