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From the NOAA - 2,185 cold records BROKEN OR TIED


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Sure, all in a fit of mmgw, eh?


So, our big barn door has been frozen shut for a month. Therefore, I cannot get the

big ATV out. Tried my butane torch... for ten minutes I kept at it, all along the bottom of the

big wide door, and nothin. Won't budge.


It's been in single digits and negative degree temps so often, it's been

amazing. So cold, I had to leave the fireplace insert draft wide open to burn

as hot as I can get it, with wild cherry wood, to compensate for the cold, and that's

with brand new windows and doors, mega-temperature proof and efficient.


And, today is March first, and I am nearly out of firewood. Amazing. In Ohio. The first

day of Spring is March 21.


The other night, it was -17 below, so just to prove my point about mmgw being a crock,

I took a shower, and without even drying off, I calmly stomped out the back door, out on

the deck, and checked the weather. Sure enough, I got frozen like in the movie Frozen.

So, I hopped back into the house, and didn't thaw out in time to post this.


Just so you know, mmgw is a crock of liberal redistribution of wealth globally and internally.

It's all about the money. And Al Gorish, allegedly by Shep, the most brilliant global weather

genius of all time,is a sardonic, dishonest huckster and moron who has been heading towards being the worlds' first climate billionaire.


And before anybody disagrees with me, YOU go outside naked after a shower, when it's

negative something degrees, and let me know what you really think.

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Maybe we are in man made cooling now?


Also, no one wants to know about your showering habits. Well maybe woody

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