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Westside Steve

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"Real America" is a descriptive term, has nothing derogatory about it,

has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the subject.


As most all the time with the board woodypeckerhead.

Dumbass is also a descriptive term...



I see where this is going. If you close your eyes and cover your ears then you wont get any of this. If you really think ony onw dude does this, then good luck to you.

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Nope. Thanks for the effort, and I did post those.

A. Traitor Obamao loves Muslim slave traders - says they are the fabric of our U.S.

B. But "traitor" I rarely use, and I mean it to be legitimately descriptive of his individual behavior.

That is nothing like my examples - where all people only disagree with Obamao if they are RACIST.

Of course, that "racist" is just a derogatory term which the user knows is invalid, but it is good for

trying to mitigate any opposition. I'm not trying to mitigate Obamao. I'm describing his personal behavior.


2.C. You even admit it has nothing to do with the subject FAIL

3. ObaMao goes KGB on Americans - secret building(s) where people can disappear..in America

C. So? That is what the KGB did. And Obamao seems so dishonest and has such a quest for power,

sure, that's what comes to mind, legitimately. See Answer A. FAIL

4. The real reason behind "common core"

D. Yeah.........FAIL

5. Butthead Biden plays dangerous race card and marxist card at one time

E. Ok, I do get emotional and laugh at Biden - what you think this is trying to unfairy mitigate

Biden's message because I disagree with him? ROF,L !!! Biden has a history, and he really did

play the race care and the marxist card, so the descriptive term is deserved. You are missing the point, here. FAIL

6. More trouble - Latvia may go the route of Serbia and E. Ukraine within the next two cowardly Obamao years

F. "Cowardly" ? When Obamao has voted 128 times when he was a state senator...."PRESENT", so he wouldn't

have to make a decision? He won't make a decision on Ukraine, wouldn't make one on the daesch/isil...

"Coward" is a valid descriptive term. FAIL

7. A matter of honor - Norwegian Muslims form protective ring around synagogue

G. Yeah, I posted about the draft, too. Has NOTHING to do with the subject you are trying to enjoin. FAIL

8. Lorne Michaels is a bigot ? Excluded a conservative SNL cast member ?


9. An overview of Islam ?


10. Marxist ass Obamao is a hypocrite

J. Obamao plays the race card, and the "fair share" and plays the wealth/lack of it

card a lot. So what if I call him on it? I see legitimacy there. FAil

I thought you said I did the "completely unfair knee jerk label to mitigate any opinion

I disagree with" a whopping 70 of the time.

You are missing the point, dammit. Everybody uses descriptive terms - derogatory terms, laudatory terms, etc.

I ....am....talking.....about....... labeling someone a "RACIST" when they disagree with a black person, like Obamao.

I am talking about labeling someone a "WOMAN HATER" because they really don't like Hillary and they strongly

disagree with her leftist politics and dishonesty.

I am talking about slurring anybody who disagrees that there is such a vaiid reality called gay "marriage" -

with the fear factor term - "HOMOPHOBE"

I am not talking about being critical of somebody, we all do that. But the knee jerk generalization derogatory

label slapped on anybody who does the criticizing of politics they don't like.

I mean, calling someone a "homophobe" because they refuse to believe in gay "marriage" ? You don't see the difference?

It's just a nonsense, completely invalid derogatory label to emotionally undermine opposing viewpoints.

That is not what I'm doing when I have good reason to call Obamao a "marxist".

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Actually, no, it didn't. You aren't getting it.


If I were to lay "liberal" on somebody, just because

they said they thought the minimum wage should be doubled...

that would be


very much like what I'm talking about. None of the above words you mention

are like that. I have reasons to lay descriptions on Obamao etc.


I'm talking about "homophobe" and "racist", things that are a negative, knee jerk reaction

to someone who just doesn't agree with you on gay marriage, for example, or thinks that

Obamao should never have been president.


It most certainly is not indicative of "racist" or "homophobe". I'm talking about

completely knee jerk unjustified, negative commonly used slur for no other reason,

that the left uses them constantly to portray "political opponents" in an underhanded,

unjustified fashion.


That I call obamao a marxist does not qualify. That I call him "ObaMao" actually does, though.

But I don't use it on other people, just a marxist.


And Mao was a communist. And, marxism is just a major step before eventual communism.


And don't argue with me, or I'll go bring back, AGAIN, a quote where Karl Marx himself declared that.

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