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MLD Woody

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MLD Woody last won the day on October 30 2023

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  1. Nothing new has been presented here. None of you are changing your mind. Enough money is out there from oil and gas, etc to prop up BS "think tanks" to pump out inaccurate information that politicians and political entities can point to and keep their base in line, allowing them to line their pockets. The science is clear. The consensus is clear. It doesn't matter how many geologists that used to work at Shell signed some petition.
  2. You're a moron The UN absolutely talks about deforestation https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/heres-what-happens-if-world-loses-its-rainforests https://www.un.org/esa/forests/documents/un-strategic-plan-for-forests-2030/index.html But I know this is nothing more than one of your catchphrases at this point
  3. https://www.desmog.com/2019/09/06/climate-science-deniers-planning-coordinated-european-misinformation-campaign-leaked-documents-reveal/ "Of the 400 signatories, only a handful have a background in climate science, with the majority being writers, engineers and geologists with no direct expertise in the field." Again, another example of you list of experts not being anything close to what you think it is.
  4. The circumference of the earth was calculated by the Greeks... Of course morons exist today. Flat earth. Anti vaxx. Climate deniers. Young earth creationists. Their existence doesn't disprove the actual experts. The actual science.
  5. We knew it was round for hundreds and hundreds of years before Columbus. I don't care what people think when deciding action and policy n a scientific issue. I care what the experts think.
  6. You clearly didn't read this article, which is par for the course for you.
  7. People still respond to this dude? If Ghoulie and Nickers agree on something you can guarantee it's the wrong choice
  8. And you're missing the point. What you think "everyone" said/believed, they didn't. Additionally, not "everyone" has an equally weighted opinion here. The folks dedicating their lives to studying climate should probably have more weight to their opinions than some meteorologist or engineer. And in general, yes, those "super astrophysicists all with engineering degree and PhDs", on this topic, matter a lot more than joe blow citizen. The myth is how widespread the belief of a flat earth actually was. If you didn't follow just read my post again. The point you thought you made, with the examples you gave, you didn't. Once again this is just continued anti expert nonsense from the right
  9. You believe in a myth that the belief in a flat earth was widespread in our not to different past. You believe this myth because it is being propagated by people that don't want you to acknowledge modern day science. Ancient Greeks knew the earth wasn't flat and even calculated it's circumference. Essentially every medieval scholar knew the earth wasn't flat. You're trying to state some nonsense from before we even invented the scientific method as a way to discredit a consensus of modern day scientists.
  10. Meteorologists are not climatologists 4-5 is not more than tens of thousands It is not equal representation. These two sides are not scientifically equally valid. The same shit has been posted on here for decades. Every time I ever spent a few minutes of my time I could tear apart whatever cal or someone else posted. That effort on my end means nothing. None of you are changing you mind. The policy's of cals generation and people like him have damaged the environment/climate and my generation and those following will have to clean up the mess. They'll go out, kicking and screaming, fucking up as much as possible on the way out. But there's no debating. There's no changing minds. There's just waiting them out to no longer be in the voting pool. That's it. Not worth my time anymore Anything you put in here I've addressed dozens of times in old threads. Go look it up if you want my response.
  11. [Citation needed]... IQ is a relative score against other people your age. The average will always be 100. Everyone can't have an increasing IQ as they age because it's relative to those same ages people. Different measures of intelligence though, like fluid intelligence (processing speed) does decrease as you age though, when the 25-35 / young adult group is set as the control. Which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone here
  12. I'd like to agree with you, I'd like to think that's the case, but we have people like cal and his posts above that kill that belief for me. An individual recycling and making a compost pile is great, but it won't make any real impact. Oil and gas companies invested in and pushed the narrative of personal responsibility around the environment and climate change. Why? To direct the attention away from them. They've known for decades the damage they're causing but short term profits beat long term (next generations) damage. These large corporations, those that stand to gain from the status quo, will funnel money into right wing think tanks, which produce "reports" that right wing media rolls with. No topic on this board has seen a higher level of fake experts touted than climate change. A personal favorite of cals being a list of "scientists" from 15 years ago that I could be on... Another angle being not a fake expert, but the complete misinterpretation of actual climate research and studies. Basically every time I've taken the time to dig into the mountain of links cal or someone else vomits up the claims can be debunked in a few minutes. But the problem is there is so much misinformation (actual misinformation, not "news that trump doesn't like" misinformation) out there that regular people just see the headlines and don't do any digging. Even if debunked later those readers are long gone. Look at what Girls posted. Public polls on climate change. I'm not surprised less people care. I imagine it's along party lines too since the issue has been politicized. I don't really care what the public thinks on this matter though, most are scientifically illiterate. We're a country that is hostile to actual expertise and we'll suffer as a result.
  13. Right, "scientists", and now we enter the anti expert, anti academic, anti science portion of our programming ... He doesn't speak for the scientists. Whatever he chose to politicize, whatever the news put in headlines, whatever this group chose to selectively remember and consume.... None of it matters. Facts matter. The facts are clear.
  14. I don't give a shit what Al Gore says I give a shit what a consensus of climatologists and reputable scientific organizations across the globe say I give a shit what the data says
  15. Bike lanes and roundabouts aren't going to save us from ourselves. The data is clear, the science is clear, whether everyday folks believe it or not. Intervention and regulation is needed, but this stands to lose powerful people lots of money. Hence money funneling into conservative politicians and efforts to politicize the whole issue. Now you can "own the libs" by being anti climate change efforts. The politicization of scientific issues just hurts us as a whole. If not now, later. Of course, a big chunk of the voters hurting us now won't be around later to deal with the damage they've caused.
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