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Exactly what I've been talking about....


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well, after eight years of watching the msm and a republican controlled congress respect obamao etc...


this debacle with the hate over losing the last pres election takes the cake. I don't see that there is any going back

to respect and good will. the dems have trashed it so badly, what goes around, comes around...


history tends to repeat itself.

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well, after eight years of watching the msm and a republican controlled congress respect obamao etc...


this debacle with the hate over losing the last pres election takes the cake. I don't see that there is any going back

to respect and good will. the dems have trashed it so badly, what goes around, comes around...


history tends to repeat itself.

And every so often few stand against many and break the cycle.

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And if only conservatives existed we've have twice as many water fountains

By some conservatives' logic yes we would. However, it was the was the Democratic Party that historically led the charge of segregation during the civil rights movement.


In the end it's not really fair to tether political affiliation to something that really isn't relative to politics. Someone is either a racist or their not. It affects politics but it's not inspired or caused by political allegiance to one party or the other.


I try to look at people's character to tell me what I need to know about them. If I used political affiliation to judge people, I'd hate everyone I disagree with. For some people, that's exactly what they do and that's unfortunate.

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There was a distinct swap in political parties in the past.


A liberal social agenda pushes for change. A conservative one wants to keep it the same. Both can be good or bad. But a "liberal* agenda pushed for gay rights, interracial marriages, women voting, etc. You go back in time and Cal's counterpart is calling for segregation instead of "Real Marriage".


Exactly why I've said people don't become socially conservative as they age, their beliefs do.

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oh, bs. A liberal agenda has to do with control. They fight the status quo in every way they can think of...

to own it.


making children pay for their lemonade stands... pay our the nose for the right to have guns.....license/fee/fine every single

item they can muster control of, to buy more votes from the gov welfare programs entitlement subculture/political base.


mmgw was a huge part of that - that is why they are so desperate to get it accepted, except it's blown up in their faces.


conservatives generally want to fix problems, not cause more problems. Like the tax code. libs don't want it fixed - they

can use it the next election. Like poverty - liberals do NOT want that to change - it's their vote/cash cow.

conservatives want national reciprocity for taking their guns with them. go figure - the libs are desperately fighting

change, and the conservatives WANT the change.


Conservatives want to change to more states rights and smaller fed. The liberals are fighting that change.

Again, go figure.

Conservative Americans are fighting to change our broken immigration system and defenseless borders - liberals

are desperately fighting that change - they are fighting to keep things the same as they were under obaMao for eight years.


There are no "gay rights". There are AMERICAN RIGHTS. the idea is, that gays are American, and they have the same rights.


Nobody is calling for segregation based on sexual orientation when it's perverse. Here, in a FREE AMERICA, the over couple hundred years of a definition of REAL MARRIAGE as being between a MAN and a WOMAN... the left forced, in the stupid decisons

via courts, to force the term to be REDEFINED. Which, in itself, is just another way to undermine Real America.


I've said before - civil unions with all the same rights etc as Real Marriage was the solution. But that doesn't undermine Real America - and doesn't slap Real America in the face, so as to give an analogy.


color of skin and gender is just the way people are biologically. That is not any kind of morality base for denying them rights.


gayness is a BEHAVIOR- an abhorrent, perverse one at that. A mental/chemical/? exception to natural law - an aberation...

an anomaly. Transgender whatever is also the same kind of out of the natural order of mankind normalcy/natural law.


There is no freaking anomaly with gender or race. So that is a gigantic crock of crap.


People learn and accrue experiences and understanding. The less of those qualities, the less accurate the

view of right/wrong, common sense/stupidity, perception of reality.... etc.


The more people grow and learn and experience, sure, they start seeing the truth about issues that before, they

could only "see" emotionally, which defies logic and substance.


The problem with young people, all too often, they are spoiled snowflakes with no self-responsibility, no work ethic,

and they are secretly inferior complexed to the point of refusing to admit anything is greater than THEM.

Sad. A ways down from my bunk, in the middle of the night, one of these milktoasts tried to commit suicide

by going around and getting different medicines...he took them all. But a couple guys figured out what was

going on, by then, they called on a hot line. and I woke up to the fast rushing of an emergency crew coming through

the door, with whispers about his condition. I woke up, sat up, and in one second, one of my TI's grabbed me by the tshirt,

said to get my ass back down and cover up my head and ignore everything going on.

Which, of course, I did. They got him the hell out of there fast, some other guys looking on got yelled at, and

they are all gone. Never saw him again. He was sent out of the service with a general discharge.


That was back in the 70's. There are a lot of those sissy spoiled, selfish, weakminded young people around today.

But there are also mostly? young people who are just like most all young people have been.

Daring, tough minded, hard working, confident, strong young people. The percentage has dipped a bit, I suppose.


Woody would never make it through basic - liberals don't see the world, they feel it. They can't be a part of something

greater than themselves - because that would make them FEEL smaller. Conservatives generally are those who know

better than to be sissy-fied, selfish, "we are the universe" losers. Liberals are those who don't know anything, except

what they FEEL.

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Cal if we picked you up and placed you in 1917 in the US, you'd be considered a liberal for some of your beliefs.



Also, that's a hell of a long post. Someone might read it. I see the end is about feelings again. It is still amazing to me you can constantly attack the other side for being too emotional where the core of everything you do politically is literally based on emotion. The right wing media sources you visit have you believing it I guess.

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