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  1. I saw that Monday nighter against The Bears and it was comical how bad they were for the Stoolers.
  2. My theory...A STRONG AZZ 9. The Watson situation combined with the usual ridiculousness......it's gonna be atrocious. Hopefully I'm very wrong. To be fair, to me the refs usually call the Browns a weak 7 in comparison. (Raiders, Detroit & Bears the worst to Pats, Steelers & Greenbay the best) Number you think?
  3. I see where you coming from....but I would want to play hard ball...that lawsuit could go on all year and the NFLPA will need an injunction for him to play game 7 anyway
  4. Welp, he will be playing game 1....the NFLPA will now sue, injunction, then Discovery and the league will fold just like with kapernick because they don't want to give their text, emails...etc. The judge will probably be super angry the NFL brought this case to them because there's already been 2 grand juries and a retired federal judge they had an agreement with.
  5. So the league has bowed to the media crying last 2 days. If I'm the Union...GAME ON...I'm playing Watson game 1. I wish the same media members had the same energy for Kraft(WHO HAD A VIDEO), Snyder, Jerry Jones, Texans FO....
  6. NFLPA stated they will go to court This bleeds into first week easily Then get to the DISCOVERY portion of the case. NFL is horrified of this. This is what make them pay Kapernick 50 mill when they were being tough at first. This means owner's text messages, emails, under oath testimony...etc. 1 case opens up another ...look at Gruden. Now see Snyder, Jones, Kraft...etc. You're going against 2 grand juries and a judge's rulings. Not just other judges despise you attempting to bring other judges decisions to them but you agreed to this crafting of NFL issues being decided by this female judge. She intimated if Watson acted remorseful in public he probably would've gotten less games... Good luck. Watson might not get a game...I worked for a defense attorney for 7 years out of law school. Court house is a different reality. It's the ultimate "F around and find out" scenario. The court house is not a Democracy. Judge is the King...or Queen. Period
  7. More than that..you're downplaying it. i worked for a criminal defense attorney for 7 years after I left law school. .a grand jury will indict ANYONE...as the saying goes a ham sandwich. Ask Tyson...3 years in prison, no DNA, girl came to his hotel room alone at 1 am, had proven to falsely scream rape before....Watson was in TEXAS. The Freedom project which is young attorneys getting people out of prison who are falsely convicted exists because grand juries are little more than the prosecutor's fan club. Find 1 case where someone was facing more than just 10 charges and not 1 stuck. Watson had 22.....saw twice. Something was greatly wrong with their testimony(s)
  8. THANKS! Which seats are near the tunnel?
  9. Need help! Taking 70 year old uncle to 1st Browns game. Doesn't walk well. What's the best seat for people like him? THANKS MY DAWGS! GO BROWNS!!
  10. then WTF are we talking about? Think about that......this is ridiculous
  11. Exactly. In this case he would have been an idiot not to settle....rather innocent or not. You can have them go away by resources you won't even feel. Criminal case is closed. Settling is an an admission of guilt as much as settling says the women were just out for a money grab.
  12. Baker sucks........get over it......nobody wants him even at QB pennies
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