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Why aren't the riots in London and Paris being reported on?

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I guess that since so much is going on in the world(Ukraine, Gaza, Isis) right now, its just not making the front page? But there are articles out there http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/16/world/israeli-palestinian-protests-tensions/index.html?iid=article_sidebar



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also because the media seems to want to paint the Philistines as the good guys.



Weird timing, I was just reading an article about Jon Stewart and people claiming he is pro-hamas http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/22/jon-stewart-israel_n_5608436.html


"Look, obviously there are many strong opinions on this," Stewart said when the shouting subsided. "But just merely mentioning Israel or questioning in any way the effectiveness or humanity of Israel's policies is not the same thing as being pro-Hamas."

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It seems relatively lopsided to me. If you watched the Dennis Prager clip I posted. Yes I understand that Israel has probably been harsh but in comparison to the constant attacks from their Arab neighbors...

To try to equivocate the two sides season do me to give too much respect to the Palestinians who seem to be in support of Hamaa.

And Stewart is hardly the mainstream media.


I think Netanyahu was correct when he asked the NBC News man what the United States would do if one of our cities was being shelled on a daily basis.

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FWIW, I'm in Paris this week and have seen no signs of riots, although I did get a warning message from my employer telling me to avoid Paris - useful, when they're sending me there for the week.

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