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calfoxwc last won the day on March 25

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About calfoxwc

  • Birthday 12/18/1950

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    Traveling, fishing, camping, gardening/farming,groundhog/squirrel/turkey hunting,

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  1. https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/04/23/the-morning-briefing-psstmerrick-garland-i-found-your-domestic-terrorists-n4928421 The Morning Briefing: Psst...Merrick Garland — I Found Your Domestic Terrorists "Vapor's people" ?
  2. some extreme stupidity deserves extensive response, Vapor does it here and there, you nearly? always deserve it. peck away, birdgirl.
  3. woodpecker - your posts have gotten smellier and more unreasonable these days. Did you get fired for online bs or what?
  4. Oh, look - one of Vapor's and woodpecker's people who "just want a better life" ......
  5. https://crsreports.congress.gov › product › pdf › R › R43769 Accomplices, Aiding and Abetting, and the Like: An Overview of 18 U.S.C ... This is the work of 18 U.S.C. § 2, which visits the same consequences on anyone who orders or intentionally assists in the commission of a federal crime. Aiding and abetting means assisting in the commission of someone else's crime. Section 2(a) demands that the defendant embrace the crime of
  6. neo-nazi much? https://www.nbcnews.com › news › us-news › -hamas-extremists-neo-nazis-flood-social-media-calls-violence-rcna121043 Pro-Hamas extremists and neo-Nazis flood social media with calls for ... Oct 18, 2023Pro-Hamas extremists are flooding social media platforms with calls for attacks on Jewish communities and other targets in the U.S. and Europe, prompting U.S. law enforcement agencies to step up ...
  7. false claim. Yes I can. https://legaldictionary.net › espionage-act Espionage Act - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes - Legal Dictionary The Espionage Act is a law that was created in 1917, shortly after the United States joined World War I. The Act was created to protect the United States by prohibiting its citizens from supporting the nation's enemies during wartime. It also made it illegal for citizens to obstruct military operations during ********************************************************* https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2339B " (E) the offense occurs in or affects interstate or foreign commerce; or (F) an offender aids or abets any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph in committing an offense under subsection (a) or conspires with any person over whom jurisdiction exists under this paragraph to commit an offense under subsection (a)." Aiding and abetting Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets another person in the commission of a crime. It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if he or she is not the principal offender. Wikipedia
  8. Oh, please, you aren't STUPID like your woodpecker is. Just grow up a bit. Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to America" ? NO Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to Israel" ? NO Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "death to anyone or any country" ? NO Did the Jan 6th protesters ever chant "gas the Jews" ? NO Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever chant "river to the sea" ? NO Did the Jan. 6th protesters ever take over streets, bridges and deny Real Americans the ability to go where they want to go? NO Don't be like your little insipid birdbrain - I said nothing about trespassing. The fact is, -it's terrorism. and 71% ? of your self-destructive "palestinians" SUPPORT TERRORISM = hamas ! Turn about is fair play - "Please explain why you are happy Ashli Babbit was murdered for trespassing but none of your "palestinians" were shot - not one? Even fighting with the police ! Terrorizing Jews on college campuses? Why should Jewish students have to go home when they are peaceful and have done NOTHING WRONG ? https://www.usnews.com › news › education-news › articles › 2024-04-22 › canceled-classes-arrests-and-calls-for-jewish-students-to-go-home-protests-over-israel-hamas-war-boil-over-on-campuses Canceled Classes, Arrests and Calls for Jewish Students to Go Home ... 1 day agoPro-Palestinian protests have paralyzed a handful of the country's most elite campuses, where political free speech is pitted against a spike in antisemitic attacks that are leaving Jewish ... *********************************************************
  9. woodpecker's people again - "they just want a better life"...... way worse than extremely STUPID.
  10. it's sad that the corrupt judge and all can get away with this to this point. Dangerous times. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/04/22/brooklyn-man-convicted-over-gun-hobby-by-biased-ny-court-could-be-facing-harsh-sentence-n2173162 NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment 'Doesn't Exist in This Courtroom'
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