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Why do Liberals...


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lecture everyone on racism, women's rights, gay rights, and Liberal values yet ignore the Muslim oppression of women, gay rights, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, atheism, and free thinking in fear of being Islamophobic?

Liberals will flip out over offensive speech but have zero outrage when someone is thrown off a roof for being gay or stoned to death for adultery.
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Winston Churchill said if you are not a liberal at age 20 you don't have a heart and if you are not a conservative at age 40 you don't have a brain. That pretty much sums me up. The first president I voted for was Jimmy Carter (big mistake). I never thought we would have a worse president until Obama and he is worse than Carter.

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Liberals are dickheads that way.

Are quick to accuse Christians of hating gays because they feel marriage is between a man and woman, yet not a peep from them anytime a gay is murdered by an Islamist just for being gay.

Liberal academia invites gay murderer Iranian president Ahmaninejad to speak, and from the other corner of their hypocritical mouths liberals demand Duck Dynasty be pulled because Phil Robertson says the Bible doesn't approve of gaydom.

Accuse anti- abortion conservatives of hating blacks, yet the majority of babies aborted are black. If conservatives were what asshole liberals say they were, then they would be pro-abortion.

Libtards condemned Bush for going into Iraq...a major reason being that you cant change a centuries old culture into a western democratic society. But when conservatives criticize Muslims culture and their belief system, here come those same libtards with the "they are no different than us"..."the Crusades", and "terrorists are mothers and fathers too"... that one brought to you by Rosie Odonnell.

Regarding their defense of Islam, the brilliant Ann Coulter said it best....

Here the country had finally given liberals a war on fundamentalism and they don't want to fight it. They would have, except it would put them on the same side as the United States.

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Jesus would shake his head sadly in shame at the state of American politics. Everclear has also sucked ass for 20 years.

American politics and Jesus should be MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE


As our forefathers intended

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Nope. Wrongie, wrongie. The gov cannot establish an official religion.


Not the same thing as politicians who have spiritual beliefs, who are guided in principle

as such.


Which, to say, if anybody blurts out that those politicians are required to be non-spiritual in

everything they do, then non-spiritual politicians should be required to be spiritual.


It's only "fair"....

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Be spiritual all you want so long as your beliefs don't mold how you write laws that effect everyone and not just people who share your religious beliefs.



I believe what I believe.


you believe what you believe


but you can't force ANYONE to believe what you believe


This is the "CORE" of OUR country

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There is no "forcing" anything. but you're trying to say that a believer

politician should aways vote against his concience so he will be

voting like you want him to.


Which, is the inverse of saying he should always let his spirituality vote for him no matter what.


So, a Christian congress person should always vote for abortion and gay marriage to make you happy.


But if they do the opposite, then you are being "forced" to go by their beliefs. Got it.

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Force people to follow your religious beliefs (no abortion, no gay marriage)


Or make both a choice for the individual to make. They can follow the religious ideal, or their own.



Seems like an easy choice...

So we should remove the illegal and/or immoral status of murder perjury theft and most of the seven deadly sins?



(and before you start squeaking opposition to homosexuality preceded Christianity and most likely marriage)

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Force people to follow your religious beliefs (no abortion, no gay marriage)


Or make both a choice for the individual to make. They can follow the religious ideal, or their own.



Seems like an easy choice...

For what it's worth religion plays no part in my opposition of abortion

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If homosexuality were genetic it stands to reason it would have bred itself out long ago

Uhhh..... What?


Morality exists outside of religion. We know murder is wrong without a book telling us it is.


And yes, homosexuality is genetic. It's existed a very long time...


So what are you "squeaking" about?

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