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Ghoolie last won the day on December 29 2018

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About Ghoolie

  • Birthday December 22

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    Water and Wastewater Technology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics. Accordion, Guitar, Bass, Keys, Studio production. Bowling (24+ 300 games), Women in heels and hose. Las Vegas.

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  1. Apology accepted. Just remember bro, football related insults are all a goof. Nobody should ever be offended by barroom talk as it relates.to our fanship......but when you cross the line onto commenting personally about any poster, then you soil the board. It demeans us to do that because it shows us to be so over the top about foot all, that we forget about people For instance..in the case of my fat lard azz...I take no offense. For 40 years of.my life I was a perrenial 30mile a week rinner and at ave 60, in front of a dozen onlookers I benched 405....8.wheels. Hope.to do it at 65, next year. Now, arthritis in my.knee and some medication for a different conditioned, couple witj my.eating like I was 25 has pumped me up. Now, I am not at all sensitove about it.....BUT....what about posters who may be overweight and who ARE sensitive about it? Imagine hpw the more timid might feel. Just think, bro. Think how vulgar Rickles was on stage, but he was a great, compassionate guy on the real.world. Football isn't the real world. Me and you are okay. You must be a good man to applogize. GO BROWNS
  2. Me and Stan at the Paris buffet in Vegas. I think about 2 years ago. I gotta do something to commemorate Stan in Sin City.
  3. My wife is a principal and a successful and substantial Wealth Management Firm, and their CCO. I have just today accepted Venture capital for a start up based around a thunderously impactful new water purification invention,we just this week recieved patents and PCT approval for immediate patents across the globe.If I had a regular.job the move would have already taken place. In the coming months qe will biild a pilot/applications testing plant, and a full-scale manufacturing plant. Once that stuff is underway....poof.....I am gone.
  4. I am headed to my second home, Las Vegas on December 3d. I have a lot of great things planned but am going to take some time and visit the haunts that I know Stan liked. and some places we shared drinks and laughs. I was just informed Friday by our Caesars casino host that Caesars Entertainment will have a luxury box and we will be invited to watch football, and most likely, opening day at the stadium. How nice it would have been to get my buddy in with us. I drove Stan crazy trying to run down a friend of mine who performs as Pee Wee Herman on the Strip, now Freemont Street. Stan ran him down and sent me a video, then told me to STFU about PeeWee. I think Drew (his real name) and I will have a toast to Stan. Again, Stan and Kathy were at Paris for two days that Cathy and I were at Caesars. I missed seeing them, and could never have fathomed that I would never see him again. Man, the Ghoolie stuff we had planned to piss you guys off. Stan and Ghoolie in Raiders garb...... Stan loved Vegas, I love Vegas. I am going to have to come up with something to have Stan forever noted on the strip. I have no idea what it will be, but it will be something to make him proud. I think I need to send Lew Merlettis a case of Miller Light bottles and tell him to shove them up his asss. That would be a good start.
  5. Don't really care. I care about the Browns wi. ing it all. Mayfield is going ro make that happen. Mahommes is a great kid and a QB. Comparisons i sult.both of these qbs. Baker bleeds Brown and Orange. Thatmakes him better.
  6. I consider you a pal as well Gunz. You love the Browns, that makes us all family.
  7. Thanks for reaching out to me, John. This is beyond words, and beyond tears. Today's game was thunderous.
  8. Thank you so much for the call today, brother. It's been ages since I heard your voice, and at the same time it was only a moment ago.
  9. Sorry for your personal friend loss Tom..Heads up, he's there & Stan would be proud of today's outcome..Check out his fan Board..Go Browns!!  

  10. The stories about how Stan created TBB as an AOL off shoot I think have been shared a lot, by more than one of us. I think however the reasons Stan created TBB have not been shared, or at least put up on a pedestal properly. Many think that Stan’s love for the Browns is the fuel that formulated this place, but it isn’t, and it really never was. Oh, for sure, the unfair treatment of our core AOL group helped instigate Stan’s effort, for we AOL posters were being treated the same way NFL refs have treated our team. However, if you want to really learn something about Stan, I hope you will read along as I share my own personal journey with him. Nearly 2 decades ago Stan pulled together a phenomenal tailgate for the Inaugural 1999 return of the Browns. He enabled many cyber friends to cross into the realm of real-life friendship. He enabled me to turn my once online hated rival Rich4Eagle into a beloved friend. Stan’s efforts brought me many other personal and lifelong pals, West Side Steve, Flugs, Chicopee John, I still think Hoorta and Zombo, and many others. Oddly, at the 1999 inaugural, I barely introduced myself to Stan. We were antagonistic to each other. Both perhaps not enamored with the other’s ego. It was not until we discovered our mutual interest in Las Vegas years back that our friendship really grew and soared. How sad it was this morning for me to receive a message from Zombo that my suspension had been lifted. I say that because his message also included the horrible news that is at this moment ripping a piece of many our hearts out. Some might say, “how odd that Zombo would reach out to Ghoolie, I thought those guys hated each other.” Hmm, and now, we can begin to see why Stan created TBB. A few years ago when I wrote an Irish composition for John (Zombo), Stan told me in Vegas that I was gay, that Zombo was gay, and my love song to him was proof positive. All kidding aside, the real story here is that it was TBB that facilitated that song. It facilitates a hell of a lot of our songs. Stan created this place out of his love for people, for knuckleheads, for every odd nut, bolt and spacer that ever cheered for, cursed, and scratched their heads over the Browns. Stan created for us the real life “Cheers”, a place where everyone knows your name. Zombo, Hoorta, Ghoolie, WSS, Stinkhole, Vagitron, Gunz…… To the dismay of many, Stan and I seldom talked about TBB, and it was Stan who asked me to be here, not the other way around. However, Stan didn’t ask me to be here because he knew I was so great that the board couldn’t get along without me, no, he knew that I, me, Ghoolie, could not get along without TBB and my dear friends; friends who know me away from the Ghoolie schtick. On several occasions I asked Stan to change my screen name to Tom. He refused. In fact, Zombo changed my name back from Vesna Kociper, because to my extreme humility he felt Ghoolie needed to remain a part of our place. In recent times, like me, Stan had fallen out of love with the Browns, even saying to me that I was right to want the new team to be named something other than the Browns. The reasoning being so that the new owners didn’t get a free ride and take advantage of our undying love for what had come before. But Stan was wrong, and I was wrong. The “Browns” whatever that is, is us. Pure and simple, it is us, and my beloved friend Stan Aten created a place for us. Stan and I planned to post a picture of he and I wearing Las Vegas Raiders shirts in Vegas this coming winter. Two weeks ago we were each in Vegas at the same time, but missed each other. My God, that is yet another spear in my heart. I was so close, so nearby Stan and Kathy, and we missed signals. However, at the end of the day, Raiders joking aside, we talked about us. You, me, the knuckleheads, the oddballs, the fans who just need a place where everyone knows their name. Stan…………..I know his name……………I knew him and I loved him. God Bless you Stan, us, we, everyone here will never forget your name.
  11. Give your wife her dildo back.
  12. Give your wife her stuff back. What the hell are you doing with that?
  13. Don't forget, Ohio also has the jackoff HOF. TBB.
  14. Jameson? When I drink Zaya, women hold my caulk.
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