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stillmotion last won the day on December 12 2017

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  1. Yeah dude. How has analytics worked upto this point? What is the gameplan? Haslam trying to turn the team into 0-16 again and then move us to London?
  2. Goal line, we need to feed him. Stefanski gets too complex and him overcomplicating things rarely works out.
  3. Yeah, because goal line red zone we should pass, or rush with hunt most of the time. Stefanski has been mediocre at best.
  4. He can run, that’s about it. But he really doesn’t have much to play for. Dude is already gonna make bank. I’m afraid with what they said about clowney, coaches might play favorites and give Garrett the Lebron treatment most of the time. Regardless, team looks unmotivated.
  5. Tomlin tried to trip a player and he’s a classless idiot. Just because he won some games it shouldn’t excuse him being a weasel. The commentators blow him every week and it’s pathetic frankly.
  6. Don’t really see the need to talk about Baker anymore, but he wasn’t as bad as some of you are saying. He had heart, and he put up with so many new schemes and was led by people like Freddie Kitchens, and played through a lot of injuries. I thought the Watson move was awful. Idk why we’re being run by Haslam and an analytics guy. Also, what kind of role model has more than 20 women accuse them of foul play during massages? What kind of a role model is that for our kids? Watson is a one trick pony and his days are over.
  7. He had the heart, passion, and work ethic to win us a superbowl. I'd take a Trent Dilfer everyone loves over a premadonna who's in it for himself.
  8. Baker had so much heart. He was a dude you loved to root for. He made mistakes, but my god, he played his heart out and gave it his all. He had that fire and that passion. When Haslam is the leader, and he constantly second guesses his decisions, it creates uncertainty for everyone in the organization. Trading Baker for nothing will be a regret. And as for Watson, it's hard to defend him. How can you build a community around someone who gets 60 massage girls and has them sign NDA's. Is that a role model for our children in Cleveland? A person the city can get behind and love? I feel like Haslam might be the worst owner ever. Watson could potentially be suspended all season. This just ends up being a $200 million gamble to get an athletic premadonna. He wasn't our problem, but now he is. And way to go signing Josh Rosen. If Watson doesn't work out, Baker was still 10x the QB Rosen is.
  9. Are any Browns Backers or forum fellas going to the game tomorrow? I'm up from California and taking my girl to her first game and first tailgate ever. Would love to link up and drink some beers pre-game
  10. We need to target linebackers and safeties, and add more depth to the D-line and O-line.
  11. Well said, Z As far as people who were saying what I thought about Baker. I still think he's our guy. For those that haven't had rib injuries (I broke mine boxing last May) they hurt like an absolute bitch. It hurts to breathe.... What I don't get is how people are willing to bail on him after a few mediocre games. As long as we're winning, that's what I care about. When Aaron Rodgers or Big Ben have bad games (even when they're healthy), everyone moves on. Let Baker play. And lastly, it's important for Baker to play his game and find the open receivers. OBJ might've made him force the ball to him in the past. Now he's back to playing his game, and finding TE's and Higgins like he did in the past. I predict the Browns only getting better, but Gruden and the Raiders are no joke.
  12. Sandy better step up. I just see him looked confused after he gets burned literally every game.
  13. Gruden is underrated. Dude is smart. Should be a close game but a good game. Donovan Peoples-Jones TD coming.
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