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VaporTrail last won the day on April 23

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  1. Is this only bad in cases where the parent has views you disagree with? Which is exactly the reason I would want my kids to be taught things the way I want them to be taught and not left to the average idiot who graduates with an education degree. They aren't the state's children. I'd wager the majority of education majors that we graduated with were Kony 2012 social media slacktivists. I don't understand why neoliberals are outraged that conservative people want their children to be raised with similar values to their own. They aren't your children. If you want a drag queen to read to your children or if you want your kid to go to a school that has some antiracist curriculum, by all means, go for it. The state should not be able to tell you that you can't. Likewise, if an evangelical pulls their kid out of public school so that they can "teach the controversy," the state should not step in. To a point. Pursuit of higher education has made millennials put off having children, and the US for the first time ever has a fertility rate below the replacement rate.
  2. Right, which is why I said But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead. -Mark 15:11 The writers of the gospels were no fans of the Pharisees - they were clearly the biggest antagonist in the stories of Jesus. Here's all the things that were said about that religious group https://www.openbible.info/topics/pharisees
  3. Wrong, I'm not a neoliberal. White flighted my ass out of Shaker because some black kid was going around holding people up at gunpoint outside my house. One of my neighbors had a bullet go into their house from a driveby, that I assume was some kind of gang initiation ritual - they had no reason to be targeted by a driveby. I will never subject myself to living in a majority black neighborhood ever again and I'm not the slightest bit sorry for it.
  4. The problem for AIPAC and the ADL is that it's no longer just autists. What some people here are incapable of understanding is that the world now is not the world they grew up in. The ADL is the boy who cried wolf. They've literally accused, bullied, and coerced politicians on both sides of the aisle, including former president Trump, If you don't acknowledge that this 👌 is a dog whistle for white supremacy, then you're an antisemite. If you call everyone an antisemite, then the word loses its meaning. Thankfully, people are finally wising up to this entitled behavior and calling it out for what it is. Can't say I have an ounce of sympathy for the all the ire that's directed toward AIPAC and the ADL. They've certainly earned it.
  5. You can accuse evangelical Christian of being more loyal to Israel than the US, and that is honky dory. But if you suggest the same of a Jewish person, then you have committed a crime in the eyes of the House. I suspect it will pass the Senate too. Can't wait for this unconstitutional legislation to be vetoed by Biden or struck down by SCOTUS. This idiocy is what $100M from AIPAC buys them. Ironically enough, it will probably INCREASE antisemitism. Germany passed laws like this in the 1920s, I assume, it pissed a bunch of people off and we all know what happened in the 1930s. Honk honk 🤡
  6. I am calling bullshit. Jesus calling out their hypocrisy was the sermon topic for like a quarter of my church attendance as a kid. Who do you think the moneychangers were that he was driving from the temple? Which religious leaders were pissed about it and cried to the Romans to crucify the guy stirring shit up? It was the Pharisees, who were the precursor to modern day Rabbinic Judaism. It's why Pete Buttigieg got accused of antisemitism for using the term "Pharisee" to describe Pence being a hypocrite. And Buttigieg apologized and swore to never offend with that word again after it got him in hot water. Ridiculous.
  7. Imagine putting a foreign nation's flag on your avatar.
  8. Very happy to have voted him into office. He prioritizes Ohioans over sending our money to fight foreign wars.
  9. https://twitter.com/ABC7/status/1785625216837640525 This footage is some of the funniest I've seen since antifa and alt right retards went at it 7 years ago. lol, lmao.
  10. Israel owns our politicians. Your freedom of speech ends when you say mean things about Jews.
  11. If you read South Africa's case that was brought to the ICJ, they spell out exactly how Israel's actions meet the criteria of a genocide. Here is the original document https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf If that is tl;dr for you, here is a John Mearsheimer article breaking it down. https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/genocide-in-gaza
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