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Ibleedbrown last won the day on November 3 2023

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  1. I honestly have a really high opinion of teachers. It’s a tough gig man, and not everyone’s cut out for it. I am pro-education. I am that guy who blindly votes for every school levy. I do some of the dirty work too. It’s not just teachers. It’s coaches, it’s mentors, it’s sponsoring scholarship funds, it’s giving kids’ jobs. It’s a community effort when it’s working on all cylinders. I am a fan of “the cannon.” A literary term that boils down to a set of works that is taught to subsequent generations so that we all have shared learning experiences to connect us. Sorta like we all know the ABC song and we all read the Scarlett Letter. Stuff like that. It’s good that the cannon evolves but ideally at a pace that matches the generational turnaround.
  2. I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.
  3. Cindy? I realize this is an old comment, but this last election cycle she was up for reelection, and l swear l received something like a dozen mailers that were all about her, and they were all over the map. Some painted her like she was a liberal democrat. Some touted that she was endorsed by Trump and law enforcement. It was weird, and l’m sure they were funded by different organizations with varying degrees of nefarious intentions. It reminded me of a story another poster linked here about left wing political pacts funding super right wing candidates during the primaries, figuring if they win they’ll have a more beatable opponent in the general election. That’s evil genius man. I’m reasonably certain some of that was going on with the mailers l was receiving. I dunno. I voted for Cindy. I think she’s representing well. What’s your take on her now?
  4. If that’s what it takes, raaar! I’m solidly middle aged and just now figuring this stuff out so l’m basically a loser who has no right to offer relationship advice. Fair warning.
  5. Women need positive attention. Took me too long to crack that code if l’m being honest. It’s simple fellas, every day, a positive word or gesture in her direction. Let her know how much she means on a daily basis.
  6. Way to make this thread super weird. What is even going on here? Dude’s bangin’ my wife and l’ll just casually insert that on a message board…
  7. Well hell, we’re used to that. Toughest fans in sports!
  8. The draft capital part of the deal is paid. That is pretty exciting. I must admit l do kinda like having a first round pick. Some combination of the movie Draft Day and lifetime fandom has done me that way.
  9. Wow. You’re older than l thought you were. Your youthfulness jumps off the screen. Unless you were placing bets as an 8 year old, which, if so, that’s pretty cool.
  10. Who could forget this classic? Most of these guys were just plum awful at rapping.
  11. My commentary was mostly an observation on how the topic of climate change has morphed into a device that perpetuates the perception that democrats are the “pro-environment” party and republicans are not. The amount of collective energy spent towards these ends is significant based on the wealth of information out there trying to prove or disprove it. My thoughts then turned to asking myself, what effect does this wealth of information and back and forth debate do for folks that are, like myself, undecided or don’t have the time or inclination to dig in to that wealth of information? They fall back on the perception created by all of it, that being that democrats are the “pro-environment” party because they champion the cause. It’s simply a +1 in their column for folks who DO consider the environment when voting but DON’T have the time or inclination to dig in to it all. I think we agree that most everyone is cool with reasonable policies that are pro-environment. There have been human foibles within our lifetimes that remind us to keep an eye on things. You mentioned some of them. And yeah, l wanna see the 2 parties duke it out to earn those votes and actually DO things that are reasonable and effective. You made this comment, “I don't see republicans doing much of anything about it. Why would they? The same power the dems grab is the same power they will have.” I suppose at the end of the day l would like to see republicans summon their inner Teddy Roosevelt and gun for that power again. And the reason they would do it is to pick up votes. Go on the offensive to change the perception that they are a pro-environment party.
  12. Yessir, a voting capital power grab. And it’s been working like a charm for something like 20 plus years. You really gotta tip your cap to the democrats over this shit. Wasn’t there some kerfluffle about Biden trying to pass some sort of ridiculous EV mandate recently? That’s how they do it man. Keep the republicans on defense. And yes, l’m pretty sure it’s one of those things we’re squarely united on. Clean air, clean water, all good stuff. But this manufactured sticking point has effectively eroded the republican party’s opportunity to show that because they and their constituents are chasing their tails over the validity of global warming.
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