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About htownbrown

  • Birthday 08/28/1978

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  1. This is like paying $250,000 for a New Kids on the Block CD.
  2. "And here to perform the national anthem, Tony and the Accusers" Not sure if they can sing, but we know they can hum.
  3. Specifically to the video, IIRAIRA has no bearing on length of stay. I don't know what other issues you have with it. And also, E-verify doesn't stop any illegal immigration other than it makes it more "legal" to be here undocumented, I suppose. But I can't really argue the rest of your post.
  4. There's no way you believe that. IIRAIRA has zero bearing on rising extended stay illegal immigration. The problem is how networked these migrants are nowadays because the amount of established undocumented friends and family they already have living here. The pioneering phase of illegal immigration is over, there are jobs, housing, schooling, health care, etc. already in place for these people. It's far more advanced than the 90s. In Houston, we have the Gold Card program ( https://houstoncasemanagers.com/gold-card-requirements/#Harris_Health_Gold_Card_Requirements_Who_Qualifies_For_This_Safety_Net_Insurance_Plan ). There are 3 requirements to enter the Gold Card program, and they are very specific: uninsured....low-income....undocumented immigrant. The first thing they do when they get here is go to places calling themselves "multi-services". They do all the erollment documents these people want. Why wouldn't they come? This isn't an anecdote, Houston is an epicenter for illegal immigration from networks like these. I guess Vox failing to address obvious influences to the problem isn't a lie, so the fact checkers would probably tell me it's safe to swallow, but it's going to be a hard pass for me on this one dawg. The IIRAIRA policy simply didn't work, it's not the cause of any crisis. They saw the wave coming, threw out some policy decades too late, and it didn't work. They share a timeline, the end. Your going to love this idea I've had for years, though. We should stop chasing immigration policies that go after poor brown people and start going after the rich, successful, privileged, entitled, and probably white people that live in places like Martha's Vineyard. If any of these companies (aka...tax cheats) even think about hiring illegal immigrants, we financially punish them heavily. It's win, win. The left gets to spend rich people money on dumb shit in the short term and the rest of the low income citizens of this country get more competitive wages. If this ever happened, it would probably end illegal immigration entirely and possibly cause some form of an exodus. This is where life really gets good for the left. Pollution....down. Colorado River....higher. Price/demand of common goods....down in the long run. Unfilled labor jobs...replaced with more efficient green technologies. I could go on, but you're a smart enough guy.
  5. I'm less worried about that, than the super subprime mortgages and possible bailout down the line. Honestly, you could give me $0 down and $0 closing and I still wouldn't want to 'gentrify the trap'. If you read closely, the target group seems to be 'undocumented buyers'.
  6. https://newsroom.bankofamerica.com/content/newsroom/press-releases/2022/08/bank-of-america-introduces-community-affordable-loan-solution--t.html
  7. It's literally the title of the article and your post. Why wasn't the title "Republicans use more unreliable sources in 2022"?
  8. Ok, I see where your going. In order to be credible there must be a history of 'trust' or something to that affect. The problem you have is Wapo specifically states misinformation. The research they cite relates to credible sources. If I take everything it says at face value, it's still bullshit. Example, if I have a V6 engine and you have a V8 engine, does that mean you speed more than me? That's all Wapo needed.
  9. Well that depends, if you are reporting data, I'd like to see it. If we're shooting the shit in person, body language and common sense.
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