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Taking Bets

The Cysko Kid

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Ok, gentlemen. Over/Under 50% someone takes a shot at Trump tomorrow. This doesn't have to mean literally take a shot at him with a gun...the liklihood is that won't happen, but someone rushes the podium/attacks the capitol building/melee breaks out in the chambers or even the streets...I mean, these people are dangerously insane and they're even worse than usual because they're essentially jilted lovers. They were supposed to win and they're really not very good losers.


or...what's the chances it goes off without a hitch?

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I can imagine some leftist/anarchist group launching some drones to disrupt it.

...wonder how the security forces would stop them.


Just sick, that CNN ran a story about Trump and Pence getting killed, and talking about how

Obamao would have to appoint a president.

Being extremely warped and stupid is a basic element of being a hard core liberal.


The speaker of the house becomes the president....

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I swear so much of our mainstream media has been bought and paid for by soros, etc etc.


soros is really, really outraged his money didn't take us over.


We are America, soros ass, we won't sell out. At least, most all of us.

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