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  1. https://www.wnd.com/2023/05/u-s-may-freeze-bank-withdrawals-currency-fear-rises-expert-warns/
  2. These are in Israel now, three I think, and there may have just recently been a calf born from them. Doesn't look like they're going to wait on the third Temple.
  3. https://saraacarter.com/guatemala-is-investigating-u-s-ngos-for-child-trafficking-seeks-texas-ag-collaboration/ Isn't it nice that our own Gov is funding this (need a surprised face) ? Believe I saw that AG Paxton (TX) was already on this (maybe Saturday?). Now who is it that wants the Borders wide open again ? We're funding the UN, and the UN is funding these Invaders and their Trafficking. Nothing surprising here.
  4. Tweet_Video Been tellin' ya'll, we've been at War for years . . .
  5. NATO promised not to expand further East after the Wall came down, but they've continually reneged on that promise. Ukraine had to happen anyway, how else was the World going to be shown what's been going on there ?
  6. I'm not particularly doing anything that anyone else couldn't do as well. I may have slight knack for falling into things, but that's it. Yea, I likely have a different perspective on things, but doesn't everyone have different perspectives ? It may just be as simple as some people don't want too believe that those running things actually hate all us plebs. That's a tough Pill to swallow, but that's where we are.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/26-barges-break-loose-float-071831893.html Just an odd fluke I'm sure . . .
  8. Ah . . . Ha Ha Ha . . . Oh, there's a recent release on the FDA getting spanked over Ivermectin as well . . . seems they lied, an that Ivermectin works too . . . Interesting, seeing as how Ivermectin and Fenbendazole (Anti-Parasitics) are also effective against . . . Cancer. Again I ask . . . is it better to treat a disease, or too cure it ? Apparently that depends on which side of the equation you are on . . . There are more cures to more "diseases" coming . . . . . . wasn't there something about "suppressed" Patents many years back with one aspect of them being "cures" for many currently "incurable" diseases ? May need too look into that one of these days . . .
  9. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/?fbclid=IwAR11LjMu0TOmYv161kTtMwFjTozPQLLS7-UdUvuK2WkEFKsFuL4yyIMgO6w_aem_ATUrqlnLZdWof1TA0qR8gdiMAR42X5f3EIUU4ofvigX3I9Rw9MTQ9jvjb4fVWBOBtz8 Updated from what I posted several years ago. A few highlights I find particularly interesting : Oh, here's a goodie : And here's one for considerable thought : These are not ramblings of a "Madman", these are all legitimate, actual Patents - just on the U.S. side of things . . . What are other Countries looking into I wonder ? There's a very long list on that link I posted - didn't bother too count, but it could be Hundreds and all with different items (Rain, Snow, etc.). I keep telling people, the real Tech we have is 30 to 50 (or more) years beyond what we are seeing today. Consider. You are part of the "Group", and they release one of these suppressed (not necessarily the Weather stuff linked) Patents to you. You (as a "Group"member) institute it into the Public, and suddenly you are a "Rags to Riches" Billionaire (or more these days). It's a game, and it's a big Club - but you're not in it.
  10. Never heard of such nonsense when I was growing up, earned whatever Trophies I got by actually filling the Bill. Right Wing = both wings connected to the same Bird - both corrupt. Problem is, the Left just totally "Left" the Reservation the past couple Decades = nothing but Communist these days. Look at the NFL (Sports in general) - kneeling = they hate this Country, even though it's given them an opportunity to make sums of money 95% of the rest of the Country will ever make. Sports Industry has their "Day of Reckoning" coming as well - I got stuff on that as well, but for now it's just another distraction. Religious Nut . . . Religion is a Lie. OMG - Shocked ? Religion is Man Made . . . couldn't even tell you how many different factions (denominations) there are these days. Divide and Conquer. The "Church" is another story . . . and sadly, it was infiltrated long ago, likely before even I was born, and I'm an OMF. Now the real "Church" has Power and Authority, but they've been lulled to sleeps over Decades / Centuries of denomination divisions. Herein lies the problem - the abominations being inflicted upon the people is actually waking up the "Church" - the idiots in charge just don't realize this. The "uglier" it gets, the more there will be awakening. Back in the day (before my time), what is going on now would never have been allowed to occur, but as I said, time and sleepiness . . . tiny bit by tiny bit . . . years upon years upon years . . . and here we are today. Now they are trying to condense 10 years of plans into just this year (Trump set them back, like him or not), which is just going to wake up even more people . . . "these people are stupid". Doesn't mean things are going to get easier, quite the opposite - I'm definitely not looking forward too it. Oh, and just to clear things up, I absolutely believe in God, Religion = no. Woody, I love you man (no Homo), but I spent too much time responding to some of your stuff.
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