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Ladt night in bangkok i mean sweden....


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In of the mindset that we do have some potentially very serious issues brewing with immigration from certain countries, but i think he's vastly more hurting that cause than helping clarify it. When he blows it out his arse hole he's not playing some wizard chess, he's just blowing it out his arse and apparently is just fine with rhat

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I'm waiting for you to acknowledge you were wrong.


Even though you were so ready with that "left wing screeching" line...

Wrong about what?

And the screeching is real.

He never said attack he never said terrorist attack and never said Massacre. And there is a much bigger number of violent crime and rape going on in Sweden because of their immigration policy. Which is something we don't want here even though the fact that I use the word screeching makes it okay or at least some sick kind of equivalency in your mind



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"poor articulation" and saying things that aren't true are very different. I think he's trending closer to the latter.

He was referring to what he saw on Fox News (think what you want). Of course he didn't explain that and here we are. True or not he still did not explain his basis for what he was talking about


My main point as it's been for some time he's causing a lot of his own headaches. Public speaking is all about articulation. He's lacking terribly in that area. You can expand on his other shortcomings as you see fit. I'm speaking specifically as on this.

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More fake news by the left wing. It doesn't matter. Real Americans support our President Donald Trump. Who cares what the left thinks? They will lose again.

I watched the video where the President was talking about this. I hate to say it but it's legit. You would think the Administration would tighten up their shot group by now. They're off to a shaky start my friend.


As an American citizen with him locked in as our President I need to see better than this to give my support over.

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Trump the genius.


Someone else here brought this up.


Trump is deliberately throwing these softballs over the plate. Everyone now is talking about Sweden and what Trump did and did not say. Its all over the media. But they are still discussing Sweden and how the radical Islamist from the countries that Trump has singled out have turned the most peaceful country into shit storm. Rapes have skyrocketed in Sweden since letting refugees into their country. Whether something happened last night, last month or last year. Does not matter.


Bad publicity is still good publicity - The Art of the Deal

I'm not sure how things genius when he could literally say "look at Sweden, it isn't doing so well" and achieve the same thing without looking like an idiot.

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Trumps way accomplishes the mission of keeping Sweden relevant.

Yes but he continues to make an embarrassment of himself, and your country by extension, when he could have achieved the same fear mongering without the side effect.

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Nothing in that article attributes the rioting to immigrants.



Everything Trump says winds up being true.


Yeah, but Trump said the latest Sweden riot caused by Muslims was last Saturday night.


I repeat myself. Nothing in that article attributes the rioting to Muslims or immigrants.


Also, statistics conveniently ignored. I guess I will repost it. Change in crime rates are minimal. Some down, some up. Overall, flat.



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I googled. Look like it is true:




See, I'm fair. Now if only some Republicans would acknowledge that my pretty little chart showing that crime rates have remained flat in Sweden despite influx of refugees, and that second (quoting from washington post):


"The newspaper Dagens Nyheter analyzed crime statistics between October 2015 and January 2016 and came to the conclusion that refugees were responsible for only 1 percent of all incidents."



Once again, however, the appropriate response is not "ban all immigrants." The appropriate response is to prosecute the criminals. If found guilty, deport them. I have zero problem with deporting criminals who are in a country on visa or asylum. I have 100% problem with labeling people criminals just because they are immigrants or refugees.

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Amazing how ur framing this story as vindicating trump. I will not let the discussion drift to whether sweden has a problem or not, because that isnt the issue. The issue is trump getting infront of cameras and making demonstrably false or uninformed statements that as potus he should k ow. If you reference an event somewhere at a specific time, ie "last night", something actually relevant to ur point should have happened "last fucking night".


As potus u are introduced to dignitaries of other planets so getting ur facts wrong about fucking sweden is not acceptable

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In other words Trump was right once again.


Wrong. Trump referred to an event that happened the night before his speech. This happened two days after that. So still unwilling to acknowledge the facts I laid out, huh? Partisan blindness to facts is everything that's wrong with this board and our government.

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