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JAFBF last won the day on October 1 2021

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  1. Days too come : Ronald Regan Patriotic Speech.mp4
  2. Ya know, when I was in, I just didn't talk about stuff . . . that means anything related too what I was doing. These days, with Chinese Nationals in TS positions and meetings in our TS Gov meetings (thanks O), I just don't know how far our NS has fallen. $hit, multigender BS in our Forces . . . yea, that just instills confidentiality in me, don't know about other folk. Sorry, too me, that's just Mental Illness - period. Zero business being anywhere near National Security stuff. Recalls ? Yep, I've seen lots of stuff on that over the last several weeks (actually concerned about it at my age). Mainly Officers, wasn't really aware of NCO's being recalled . . . but the Marines are a different story . . . Don't mind being off on this (assuming it's valid) as it indicates things aren't as bad as I feared . . . Problem is, I'm still seeing High Ranking Military being cleared out (relieved / retired) of the Military (Pentagon included) - at this later stage of things - this is concerning. So, back on topic, taken the above, it's become challenging in determining valid/false MI info (one reason I tagged it humorous vs fact), though there are more instances (which I will not post about) that suggest things of this type are in fact going on (also the source of this post/video). I guess this is a bit that may well be false (which is fine), but there is so much going on (fake Masks as a prime example) that it may even turn out to be true. I try, and will continue to try, too post valid info that others will not, but I'm not infallible. Maybe just another item to tuck away for another day to see if there was/is any merit too it or not. EX: Still standing on hold the "Langley invasion", though I'm aware pretty much everyone here says it's total BS. I saw the MSM (possible negative) video feeds that night myself, not too mention the multiple sources I had reporting that event. Something that may or may not be validated in the time too come. How about the Rothschild assault ? Surely even Cal can remember that . . . fear not Cal, it's looking more real by the day (though there was a lot of evidence from the git go). Sorry folk, this is/was much bigger than I initially thought was going on . . . TL:DR (which I never posted): God Wins! TBC
  3. For . . . laughs . . . ? Tweet_Video EDIT: BTW - the Recalls mentioned are real, I've seen quite a few posts about them over the past several weeks.
  4. Tweet_Video Crimes against Humanity. Internet is forever . . . we have everything . . .
  5. Apparently, that's only true if you're a Democrat . . . otherwise, you get what we're seeing with all the total BS Court cases, J6, and on and on. AKA - Lawfare. Average Joe has no chance against this . . .
  6. They're not there for you, they're there for themselves only - nothing but corrupt POS's.
  7. https://nypost.com/2024/05/02/us-news/stormy-daniels-lawyer-claims-130k-payment-wasnt-hush-money-at-trump-trial/ And posted years ago (not original) that some are forgetting about :
  8. Looking at the numbers long ago, we pretty much knew this, but the truth is finally coming out. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/cdc-concealed-evidence-deaths-caused-pfizer-moderna-covid/
  9. No thread on the "current" riots at the Universities (12 so far) ? Hmm, 2020 . . . BLM / Antifa riots . . . Coronavirus (Cold) lockdowns . . . Welcome to 2024 . . . ___ riots at Universities (too expand) . . . ___ viruses (Bird Flu current front runner, plan for multiple viri) . . . (attempted) lockdowns incoming (for Election of course) ? They're not very original or even imaginative . . . they have a Playbook (yes, it's as simple as that) they've used over and over and over ad nauseam for years, decades, centuries, . . . how long really ? Not much originality, but tons of time to tweak things . . . The Matrix. Insanity. More or less, the above is our current reality via the continuous streaming MSM propaganda machine. So J is going off on another one of his bizarre rants again . . . ? Perhaps I should, but that is likely more relevant for a time where it more matters than what is going on right now. I'm going to sit on this for now, as we have enough bad shit coming our way that no one is going too like or be prepared for - that includes me. Cal (more so than me) and I have posted elsewhere of things that people can do to help prepare, but I don't know how far things will go (food likely, fuel ?, power ?, etc ?) - it's looking like this is the year, though for maximum shake up it could go into next year (really hope not). In short, don't count on things being sorted out quickly, prepare for longest term you are able. Longer stories / explanations there are, but for a later time if needed.
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